RÚ | Hotel Chinese Restaurant Hong Kong | Nina Hotel Tsuen …
RÚ celebrates authentic Chinese culinary arts in tasteful modern elegance. Reimagined by our master chefs, classic Cantonese specialities are turned into award-winning dishes with vibrant …
香港酒店中餐廳 | 荃灣西如心酒店 | 香港高級中餐館
「如」中菜廳提供5間全新裝修、設計簡約優雅兼設備齊全的私人貴賓廳 ,是舉辦小型家庭聚會、慶祝活動、三五知己聚餐、商務午宴或晚宴的理想地方。 私人貴賓廳寬敞舒適且高度靈活, …
RÚ, Hong Kong - Tsuen Wan - Menu, Prices & Restaurant Reviews …
RÚ celebrates authentic Chinese culinary arts in tasteful modern elegance. Reimagined by our master chefs, classic Cantonese specialities are turned into award-winning dishes with vibrant …
如 (香港) - 餐廳/美食評論 - Tripadvisor
2023年9月22日 · RÚ celebrates authentic Chinese culinary arts in tasteful modern elegance. Reimagined by our master chefs, classic Cantonese specialities are turned into award-winning …
如 – 香港荃灣荃灣西如心酒店的粵菜 (廣東)中菜館 | OpenRice 香港 …
當日與好久不見的嬸嬸相約五人到荃灣如心酒店7樓的Ru餐廳飲茶。 從電梯出來就被華麗的聖誕花裝飾的走廊吸引,氣氛十足! 餐廳左邊是接待處,右邊有日式竹簾和杏色梳化,簡約而時尚。
RU - Facebook
RU. 11,329 likes · 15 talking about this. RU is a singer-songwriter from Hong Kong.
RÚ | Hotel Cantonese Cuisine | Nina Boutique
RÚ celebrates authentic Chinese culinary arts in a tasteful modern elegance.
如 RU | Hong Kong Hong Kong | Facebook
「如」以傳統中菜精髓糅合時尚優雅,為賓客呈獻一系列精緻粵式美饌。 餐廳團隊將深受歡迎的粵菜重新演繹成備受讚賞的時令滋味。
Grand opening of flagship Chinese restaurant RÚ - animevostfr
With its HK$30 million investment package, RÚ is poised to become one of the finest Cantonese restaurants in Hong Kong, and Nina Hotel Tsuen Wan West is thrilled to bring this upscale …
如(香港) - 餐厅/美食点评 - Tripadvisor
RÚ celebrates authentic Chinese culinary arts in tasteful modern elegance. Reimagined by our master chefs, classic Cantonese specialities are turned into award-winning dishes with vibrant …