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Ruthenium tetroxide - Wikipedia
Ruthenium tetroxide is the inorganic compound with the formula RuO 4. It is a yellow volatile solid that melts near room temperature. [3] . It has the odor of ozone. [4] . Samples are typically black due to impurities. The analogous OsO 4 is more widely used and better known. It is also the anhydride of hyperruthenic acid (H 2 RuO 5).
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钌 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
釕 liǎo (英語: Ruthenium),是一種 化學元素,其 化學符號 为 Ru, 原子序數 为44, 原子量 為 101.07 u,是在 元素週期表 中 鉑族 的稀有 過渡金屬。 釕與鉑族的其他金屬一樣,對大多數其他化學物質都是惰性的。 1844年,俄籍的波羅的海德意志科學家 卡爾·恩斯特·克勞斯 (英语:Karl Ernst Claus) (Karl Ernst Claus)在 喀山大學 發現了該元素,隨後以 鲁塞尼亚 (Ruthenia)做為此元素的拉丁名稱,以此纪念这个被发现于俄罗斯的元素。 一般而言,釕 …
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Ruthenium (IV) oxide - Wikipedia
Ruthenium (IV) oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula Ru O 2. This black solid is the most common oxide of ruthenium. It is widely used as an electrocatalyst for producing chlorine, chlorine oxides, and O 2. [1] Like many dioxides, RuO 2 adopts the rutile structure. [2][3]
钌 | XPS元素周期表 | 赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
Ru3d region has significantly split spin-orbit components (D=4.2eV). Ru metal and RuO 2 both give asymmetric Ru3d peaks shapes. For ruthenium metal and RuO 2, the Ru3d3/2 component is shorter than expected (for a d5/2, d3/2 doublet) and is much broader than the Ru3d5/2 component. There is a very strong overlap between the Ru3d and C1s regions.
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The Chemistry of Ruthenium Oxidation Complexes
2010年1月1日 · Abstract This chapter introduces the topic and scope of the book and principally concerns the basic preparation, physical and chemical properties of Ru-based oxidation catalysts, then summarising the catalytic oxidations which they accomplish. More detail on these is given in the succeeding four chapters.
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