Oxidative reconstructed Ru-based nanoclusters forming …
2025年2月1日 · To solve this challenge, herein, we developed a regulatory strategy combining lanthanide oxides and metal oxidative reconfiguration. The introduction of Eu 2 O 3 effectively promotes the adsorption of H 2 O, optimizes the adsorption energy of OOH*, and reduces the reaction energy barrier of acidic OER process.
Thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides in the Eu–Ru–O …
2006年4月12日 · The Gibbs free energies of formation of Eu 3 RuO 7 (s) and Eu 2 Ru 2 O 7 (s) have been determined using solid-state electrochemical technique employing oxide ion conducting electrolyte. The reversible electromotive force (e.m.f.) of the following solid-state electrochemical cells have been measured:
Ruthenium-europium configuration in the Eu - AIP Publishing
2015年1月27日 · The magnetic and electronic properties of Eu 2 Ru 2 O 7 are discussed in terms of the local ruthenium and europium coordination, electronic band structure calculations, and molecular orbital energy levels.
Europium doped RuO2@TP enhanced chlorine evolution
2023年5月15日 · Ru 0.9 Eu 0.1 O x @TP enhances catalytic selectivity and stability towards chlorine evolution reaction. Doping rare earth metal Eu into RuO2 causes a strong charge redistribution between Eu and Ru. The DFT calculations prove that the doped Eu could improve the adsorption ability with OCl and suppress OOH intermediates.
Activating Ru O Co Interaction on the a‐Co(OH)2@Ru Interface for ...
2023年1月5日 · Density functional theory calculations demonstrate that active Ru O Co bonds in α-Co(OH) 2 @Ru optimize the energy barriers for H 2 O dissociation and OH − desorption to facilitate the Volmer reaction step. This work offers a strategy for designing interfacial chemical bonds for high electrocatalytic activity.
通过 Ru-O-Eu 桥以高效和 CO 耐受性加速碱性氢氧化的 Volmer 步 …
理论计算和原位光谱发现,Eu2O3 的诱导通过构建 Ru(3d)-O(2p)-Eu(4f) 的梯度轨道耦合优化了 Ru 位电子结构,从而产生了最佳的 H 中间体,提高了 OH 的吸附能力,降低了水形成的能垒,促进了 CO 氧化, 赋予 Ru/Eu2O3 作为快速碱性氢电氧化的有前途的催化剂 ...
Rare-earth-regulated Ru-O interaction within the pyrochlore …
2021年2月4日 · 本文, 利用一系列稀土元素(Nd、Sm、Gd、Er 和Yb)构建了烧绿石型稀土钌酸盐(RE 2 Ru 2 O 7)结构来调整Ru位点 的电子结构. 表面结构分析表明, 由于Ru–O键杂化减弱, 随着稀土 离子半径的增大, RE 2 Ru 2 O 7 结构中缺陷氧含量增加(缺陷氧的比例 从29.5%增加到49.7%).
Regulation A-site of ruthenium pyrochlores to enhance acidic …
2023年11月15日 · Exploring the relationship between A-site atoms and the ruthenium pyrochlore oxides (A 2 Ru 2 O 7) structure is crucial for designing efficient electrocatalysts for acidic water oxidation. Here, we manipulate A-site atoms by introducing lanthanide elements (Nd, Sm, Eu, and Ho) in a rational manner.
本文提出了一种局部微环境调节策略,用于精确调节具有显著电化学活性和稳定性的In-RuO2/石墨烯 (In-RuO2/G)催化剂,以促进酸性水的氧化。 In-RuO2/G在1.5 V下的质量活度为671 A gcat−1,在10 mA cm−2下的过电位为187 mV,在100 mA cm−2下的持久稳定性为350 h,这是由不对称的Ru-O-In局部结构相互作用引起的。 进一步从理论上揭示了不对称的Ru-O-In结构打破了传统吸附演化机制的热力学活度极限,显著削弱了OOH*的形成能垒,从而诱发了*OH吸收的新 …
Tantalum-stabilized ruthenium oxide electrocatalysts for industrial ...
2025年1月2日 · Ruthenium oxide (RuO 2), the second-most attractive option for OER catalysts, offers advantages, including the relatively high reserves and low cost of Ru compared with Ir, as well as high activity (23 – 26). However, the poor stability of RuO 2 prevents practical applications.