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2016年5月11日 · tt-RU Tatar-俄国 te Telugu te-IN Telugu-印度 th 泰国 th-TH 泰国 -泰国 tr 土耳其语 tr-TR 土耳其语 -土耳其 uk 乌克兰 uk-UA 乌克兰 -乌克兰 ur Urdu ur-PK Urdu-巴基斯坦 uz Uzbek uz-UZ-Cyrl Uzbek-(西里尔字母的) 乌兹别克斯坦 uz-UZ-Latn Uzbek(拉丁文)- 乌兹别克斯坦 vi 越南 vi-VN 越南 -越南
Guru, meaning, significance, teacher, guide, role, importance
The word guru is comprised of two words, viz. ‘Gu’ and ‘Ru.’ ‘Gu’ means ‘the darkness’ and the ‘ru’ means ‘the remover.’ Therefore, the word guru means “the person who removes the darkness from one’s life.” The word ‘Guruji’ refers to the male teacher as the word sir is used in English.
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Osho on Guru – Guru literally means ‘the light’
In fact, the phenomenon of the guru is so deeply Indian that no other language of any country is capable of translating it. It is something intrinsically Eastern. The word ‘guru’ is made of two words, ‘gu’ and ‘ru’. ‘Gu’ means darkness, ‘ru’ means …
Guru: 58 definitions - Wisdom Library
5 天之前 · Guru is Gu and Ru; Gu is darkness and Ru is remover. Guru dispels darkness, sin, and ignorance. Once Guru purifies himself both externally and internally and assumes the body of the deity he worships and propitiates, the body of the Guru is the same as the deity; his disciple receives a bit of the effulgence from the grace of the Guru.
Verse 14 - Sanskrit Study of Shri Guru Gita - Hard Light
Gu is maya and Ru is the destruction of maya. Gu is the state which is beyond the three gunas, and Ru is emptiness. The Guru is he who gives the experience of darkness melting into light, maya dissolving into clarity and formation revealing wisdom.
The Meaning and Significance of Guru in Hinduism - Hindu …
Etymologically, a guru (gu + ru) is the one who brings light and wisdom (ru) into the dark, cavern hearts (gu) of the bound souls. He is the liberator, who illuminates the minds and hearts of the ignorant. In many Hindu traditions a guru is equated to God himself.
What is Gu? - Definition from Yogapedia
2023年12月21日 · What Does Gu Mean? Gu is a Sanskrit root word that, in the context of yoga, is often translated as “darkness.” Gu also means “to go,” “earth,” “water” and “cow.” Yogis know gu as the root of the word, guru. The root word, ru, is typically translated as “remover.” Guru, therefore, means "the one who removes spiritual ...
Raja Thatha's stotra translations: Guru Gita (song of Guru)
Shiva answers her by describing the Guru principle, the proper ways of worshiping the Guru and the methods and benefits of repeating the Guru Gita. The text also gives the etymology of the word Guru, where the root gu stands for darkness, while the root ru stands for light.
Language Code Table - Lingoes
gu: 古吉拉特语 gu-IN: 古吉拉特语 he: 希伯来语 he-IL: 希伯来语 hi: 印地语 hi-IN: 印地语 hr: 克罗地亚语 hr-BA: 克罗地亚语(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那) hr-HR: 克罗地亚语 hu: 匈牙利语 hu-HU: 匈牙利语 hy: 亚美尼亚语 hy-AM: 亚美尼亚语 id: 印度尼西亚语 id-ID: 印度尼西亚语 is ...
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