AMD Radeon RX 580 4 GB - TechPowerUp
Release Date Apr 18th, 2017 Generation Polaris (RX 500) Predecessor Arctic Islands Successor Vega Production Active Bus Interface PCIe 3.0 x16
AMD Radeon RX 580 Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
The Radeon RX 580 is a performance-segment graphics card by AMD, launched on April 18th, 2017. Built on the 14 nm process, and based on the Polaris 20 graphics processor, in its Polaris 20 XTX variant, the card supports DirectX 12. This ensures that all modern games will run on Radeon RX 580.
Radeon RX580 2048SP 4G评测——这车开的,爽! - 什么值得买
2018年11月17日 · 这个卡说是叫RX580 2048SP,其实就是把原来的RX570超频降价,改名叫RX580 2048SP,也是为了和即将出的RX590拉大一点性能差距,不过这样一来RX570就逐步退出市场了,千元级显卡即将只剩下RX580 2048SP和RX590两款产品了,当然细分的话还有580 2048 4G和8G,590大概只有8G版本了。
MSI Gaming Radeon RX 580 256-bit 4GB GDRR5 DirectX 12 VR …
Experience the next level of immersion with the world of VR gaming and entertainment with MSI RX 580 GAMING X 4G powered by the revolutionary Polaris architecture. Puts an end to choppy gameplay and broken frames with fluid, artifact-free performance at virtually any framerate.
AMD Polaris 20, 1340 MHz, 2304 Cores, 144 TMUs, 32 ROPs, 4096 MB GDDR5, 1750 MHz, 256 bit
【RX 580显卡】RX 580显卡报价及图片大全-ZOL中关村在线
梅捷RX 580 2048SP 焱龙 4G 显卡芯片:Radeon RX 580 制作工艺:14纳米 散热方式:双风扇散热 显存类型:GDDR5 显存位宽:256bit 显存容量:4GB 接口类型:PCI Express 3.0 16X
蓝宝石RX 580 4G D5 白金版 OC - 中关村在线
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Gigabyte Radeon RX 580 Gaming 4GB Graphic Cards GV-RX580GAMING-4GD
Powered by Radeon RX 580 and integrated with 4GB GDDR5 256-bit memory interface. Featuring WINDFORCE 2X with Blade Fan Design
Amazon.com: Rx 580 4gb
AMD RX 580 Graphics Card 4 GB GDDR5 Performance 80% of GTX1660 Super 131% of GTX 1650 98% of RX 6500XT 256Bit 2049SP PCI Express 3.0x16 DP HDMI 1284/1750 MHz Base/Mem DirectX 12_0
【蓝宝石RX580】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_蓝宝石RX580系列显卡 …
蓝宝石 RX580系列发布于2017年4月中旬,搭载Polaris 20核心,2304个CUDA,4GB/8GB256bit显存,性能强劲。 共有11款产品 >> 综述介绍 参数 报价 点评 (289) 评测行情 论坛 问答 视频 播放视频 整体外观图 整体外观图 共7张图片 >> 参考报价: ¥1159-3599(停产) 查看详细报价 ...