索尼DSC-RX100M7_Sony DSC-RX100M7_数码相机|报价,价格,配 …
此应用程序可以将静止图像/视频传输到智能手机,支持远程拍摄,可提供相机拍摄图像的位置信息。 Phase One 开发的独立相片编辑软件,它是代表 RAW 工作流程软件的新世纪,同时也代表了一个 RAW 转换变程的新处理方法。 拥有多张对比输出功能,色彩曲线编辑,数码信息支持,附加数码相机的支持以及其它的功能。 索尼DSC-RX100M7,在线购买Sony DSC-RX100M7,了解最全的索尼 DSC-RX100M7图片,报价,介绍信息,最新的索尼DSC-RX100M7配置,报价信息,尽在索尼中 …
Sony RX100 VII Premium Compact Camera with 1.0-type stacked …
Inside its compact body, RX100 VII has everything it takes to deliver stellar images. The 24–200 mm2 zoom lens is complemented by 0.02-sec.3 super fast AF, new Real-time Tracking and Real-time Eye AF, plus enhanced image stabilization and an …
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII Review - Digital Photography …
2019年8月22日 · The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII is the most capable pocket camera currently on the market thanks to a combo of good image quality, smooth stabilized 4K and an industry-leading autofocus implementation.
Sony RX100 VII Compact Camera, Unrivalled AF
Discover the RX100 VII Compact Camera, Unrivalled AF from Sony & explore all the Cameras features. The RX100 VII adds powerful new focusing and burst shooting capabilities to the wide zoom range and exceptional image quality of the RX100 series.
Sony RX100 VII Digital Camera - B&H Photo Video
Mixing speed, reach, and portability, the Sony RX100 VII is a pocket-sized camera packing a wealth of stills and video versatility. This seventh-generation camera in the esteemed RX100 series is the second to feature the impressive 24-200mm-equivalent ZEISS Vario-Sonnar T* lens that covers wide-angle to telephoto focal lengths for greater ...
索尼黑卡RX100 VII评测:口袋里的旗舰相机_索尼 DSC-RX100M7_ …
2019年9月6日 · 索尼rx100系列向来代表着全面强悍的性能与专业的操控,而这款rx100 vii无疑再次刷新了卡片机的性能纪录,尤其是全新升级的“357点相位+425点对比度”对焦系统,提供了高速度、高精度的对焦表现,再加上弹出式的取景器、专业化的按键拨轮布局,这款小卡片能 ...
RX100 VII輕巧相機 | 4K影片與自動對焦 | DSC-RX100M7 | Sony …
rx100 vii 為具備廣焦段與卓越影像品質的 rx100 系列新增強大的全新對焦與連拍功能。 全新的麥克風輸入、4K HDR (HLG) 影片 與翻轉式觸控螢幕讓這部相機也同樣適合製作影片和影音部落格。
RX100 VII輕便相機 | 4K影片與Autofocus | DSC-RX100M7 | Sony …
rx100 vii 將強大的全新對焦及連拍功能加入 rx100 系列的廣闊變焦範圍及出類拔萃的影像質素之中。 全新的麥克風輸入、4K HDR (HLG) 影片 及可調校傾斜角度的觸控螢幕,讓這款相機同時成為影片作品及影像網誌的理想選擇。
RX100 VII Compact Camera, Unrivalled AF - Sony Electronics
The Sony RX100 VII Compact Camera offers unrivaled AF and up to 20 fps blackout-free shooting. Discover more great features at Sony.
RX100 VII Compact Camera, Unrivalled AF | DSC-RX100M7
Inside its compact body, the RX100 VII is packed with everything it takes to deliver gorgeous images. The 24–200 mm zoom lens is complemented by 0.02-second super-fast AF, new Real-time Tracking and Real-time Eye AF, plus enhanced image stabilization and an external microphone jack for high-quality movie shooting.