Metadata - Properties of Profile Parameters - SAP Online Help
To display metadata of a profile parameter, proceed as follows: Call transaction RZ11 (maintain profile paramers). Enter a profile parameter name in the Parameter Name input field. To confirm your entries, choose Display. Below is an overview of …
Solved: Difference between rz10 and rz11 - SAP Community
2007年5月21日 · In RZ11, we can view the parameter irrespective of the profile it belongs. And also we can view its documentation, and we can edit the parameter if it is dynamically switchable. In RZ10, we can create a new profile, copy, and we can import any profiles.
Parameter value in RZ11 and table TPFET differs - SAP Community
2014年3月19日 · There is a two tables TPFYPROPTY and TPFET. 1. TPFYPROPTY - In this table all standard values ( profile parameter values) will come by default ( RZ11). 2. TPFET - This table i s related to you RZ10 profile parameter values. 2) What does "M" means in TPFET-PSTATE? M means Modified standard values in RZ10 profile parameters. find below link.
Changing Profile Parameters Dynamically (Transaction RZ11)
In the profile parameter maintenance (transaction RZ11) you can: You can maintain profile parameters in transaction code RZ11. The following describes how to change the value of a profile parameter dynamically: Call transaction RZ11. Enter a parameter name. Choose .
SAP 系统参数设置 RZ10 RZ11 - CSDN博客
2016年9月1日 · 本文介绍了如何通过RZ10和RZ11事务码调整SAP系统的各种参数,包括登录设置、性能优化等,并提供了推荐的参数值。 最近在修改默认登录的client号及给新建的client开通SAP*权限时发现都是用的RZ10 事务码, 特意找出来看了下。 以下是转载: <转载> AP 系统参数设置 RZ10 RZ11. login/no_automatic_user_sapstar 用户SAP* 能不能登录, 0代表SAP*可以登录,1代表SAP*不能登陆! rdisp/rfc_use_quotas 是否激活配额资源分配,0是关闭,1是启用.以下 …
RZ11: SAP Profile Parameters - ITsiti
2021年12月14日 · Transaction RZ11 can be used to display properties of profile parameters and to dynamically change the values of profile parameters. The properties of the profile parameters act as the basis for checking the default profiles and instance profiles in the system.
Checking profile parameter values in SAP NetWeaver ... - SAP …
2021年5月20日 · We can display the profiles parameter values using transaction RZ11. It uses the ABAP Kernel modules sapparam_km_get_all_parameter and sapparam_km_get_all_values to determine the values. Profile parameter values added or modified in any profile file at runtime using a text editor are not recognized in the output.
3000730 - Impact on enabling table logging with profile …
Impact on enabling table logging with profile parameter rec/client is not known. Read more... This KBA applies for all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H.
RZ11 SAP tcode for – Profile Parameter Maintenance - TestingBrain
RZ11 tcode in SAP BC (Use Subcomponents in Basis) module. This transaction code is used for Profile Parameter Maintenance. Here is it details, technical data etc.
Important Profile Parameters for the Lock Concept - SAP Online …
The following table describes the main profile parameters associated with the lock mechanism. You can obtain a complete overview by searching for the parameters with the entry *enq* in transaction RZ11 .