REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7183 - Supreme Court E-Library
- It is the purpose of this Act to regulate and control the manufacture, sale, distribution and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices consistent with, and in furtherance of, public safety, order and national security, as well as the enhancement of the cultural traditions. SEC. 2.
Republic Act No. 7183 : REPUBLIC ACTS - PHILIPPINE LAWS ...
republic act no. 7183 - an act regulating the sale, manufacture, distribution and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices Section 1. Purpose of this Act.
— It is the purpose of this Act to regulate and control the manufacture, sale, distribution and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices consistent with, and in furtherance of, public safety, order and national security, as. well as the enhancement of the cultural traditions. Sec. 2.
R.A. No. 7183 • An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture ...
1992年1月30日 · It is the purpose of this Act to regulate and control the manufacture, sale, distribution and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices consistent with, and in furtherance of, public safety, order and national security, as well as the enhancement of the cultural traditions. Section 2.
IRR of RA 7183 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations ...
The 2012 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for Republic Act No. 7183 govern the manufacture, sale, distribution, and use of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices in the Philippines. The regulations classify firecrackers and pyrotechnics into four usage classes, with strict guidelines on permitted types and their explosive content.
Republic Act No. 7183 - Philippine Law Firm
republic act no. 7183 – an act regulating the sale, manufacture, distribution and use of firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices. section 1. purpose of this act.
This page contains the full text of Republic Act No. 7183 (AN ACT REGULATING THE SALE, MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF FIRECRACKERS AND OTHER PYROTECHNIC DEVICES). Published on the internet by Chan Robles & Associates Law Firm.