R.A. 9710 - The Lawphil Project
REPUBLIC ACT No. 9710 August 14, 2009. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE MAGNA CARTA OF WOMEN. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in …
[REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9710] Fourteenth Congress Regular Session Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: CHAPTER 1 …
Republic Act No. 9710 | Official Gazette of the Republic of the …
2009年8月14日 · Republic Act No. 9710 | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines
FAQ: Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
What is Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act No. 9710)? The Magna Carta of Women (MCW) is a comprehensive women’s human rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination through the …
Republic Act no. 9710 the Magna Carta of Women - Library of Congress
2012年12月17日 · Republic Act no.the Magna Carta of Women: implementing rules and regulations. San Miguel, Manila, Philippines: Office of the President, Philippine Commission on …
Magna Carta of Women (R.A. 9710) - Civil Service Commission (CSC)
The various existing laws and policies to empower and protect women, and ensure equal rights and opportunities for men and women, have been strengthened further with the enactment of …
[REPUBLIC ACT No. 9710] AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE MAGNA CARTA OF WOMEN Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress …
CSC MC 25, s. 2010: Guidelines on the Availment of the Special …
2010年12月1日 · “CSC MC 25, s. 2010: Guidelines on the Availment of the Special Leave Benefits for Women under R.A. 9710 (An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women),” …
[Republic Act 9710] AN ACT P R OVIDING FOR THE M A G N A C A R T A O F W O M E N B e it enacted by the Senate and H ouse of R epresentatives of the P hilippines in C ongress assem …
REPUBLIC ACT No. 9710 CHAPTER V RIGHTS AND EMPOWERMENT OF MARGINALIZED SECTORS Women in marginalized sectors are hereby guaranteed all civil, political, social, …