Ra - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Ra was thought to travel across the sky in his solar barque (boat), which was called Atet. Family. In an act of auto-procreation, Ra created his children Shu and Tefnut. Shu was the god of the air, while Tefnut was the goddess of mists. As the god of kings and order, Ra had a special connection to maat, a key mythological
Amun - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Amun was the omnipresent Egyptian god whose true name was too powerful to be known. Rising to prominence relatively late in Egyptian lore, he was merged with the sun god Ra, eventually becoming known as Amun-Ra.
Anubis - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · A fierce fighter, he routinely defeating the god Set in battle. Family. As one of the oldest gods in the Egyptian pantheon, Anubis had a varied and somewhat inconsistent mythology. Initially, Anubis was a son of Ra who served as the primary god of the dead. As time went on and the cult of Osiris grew in power, Anubis’s stories were ...
Bastet - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · With Ra, Bastet had a son, Mahes, who as a lion god bore strong resemblance to his mother. Some myths positioned Bastet as the mother of Anubis. The jackal god’s associations with Isis came fairly late in the development of the Egyptian cosmology, and his connection to the ancient Bastet likely predated them. Family Tree. Parents
Thoth – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · He was a god of the moon, science, wisdom, secret magics, and medicine. Thoth invented writing and was believed to be the patron of scribes. As the messenger of the gods, he often served as Ra’s intermediary between the lands of the living and the dead. As Ra’s most trusted advisor, Thoth was tasked with recording all that happened.
Isis - Mythopedia
2022年12月8日 · Ra’s true name was immensely powerful, as whomever had access to it could control the sun god and all his might. Isis had begun plotting her son’s ascent to the throne well before he was born. Such a plot required great cunning and ingenuity, for though Isis was a sorceress of great power, even her magic could not harm the mighty Ra.
Horus – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · The deity’s oldest manifestation, Horus the Falcon was also known as Horus the Sky God, Horus the Lord of the Sky, Horus of Two Horizons, Horakhty, Ra-Horakhty, and Hor-em-akhet (Horus in the Horizon, or Harmachis to the Greeks). Horus the Elder. Found only in Greek sources, Horus the Elder was the son of Nut and Geb.
Hathor – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · The Egyptian creation myth centered around a creator god (usually Ra, but possibly Ptah, Atum, or Amun, depending on the tale) who brought the world into being by ejaculating and created the first gods through his seed. Hathor’s cult held that the goddess was both the hand that aroused the creator and the vital force of his seed. The Coffin ...
Set – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Set on Ra’s Solar Barque. Constrasting with the evil and destruction he had wrought in life, Set was a force for good in the afterlife. He rode at the front of Ra’s solar barque and defended the sun god from Apophis, the great chaos monster. Commonly portrayed as a giant snake or crocodile, Apophis would attack Ra each night.
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