Rab7: roles in membrane trafficking and disease - PubMed
Rab7 is a late endosome-/lysosome-associated small GTPase, perhaps the only lysosomal Rab protein identified to date. Rab7 plays critical roles in the endocytic processes. Through interaction with its partners (including upstream regulators and downstream effectors), Rab7 participates in multiple regulation mechanisms in endosomal sorting ...
Rab 7: an important regulator of late endocytic membrane traffic
Overexpression of wild-type rab7 protein allowed normal transport to late endosomes (mannose 6-phosphate receptor positive), while the rab7N125I mutant caused the VSV G protein to accumulate specifically in early (transferrin receptor positive) endosomes.
RAB7A - Wikipedia
RAB7A functions as a key regulator in endo-lysosomal trafficking, governs early-to-late endosomal maturation, microtubule minus-end as well as plus-end directed endosomal migration and positions, and endosome-lysosome transport …
The HEAT repeat protein HPO-27 is a lysosome fission factor
2024年3月27日 · HPO-27 and its human homologue MROH1 are recruited to lysosomes by RAB-7 to mediate the scission of lysosomal tubules. Loss of HPO-27 in C. elegans affects lysosomal morphology, structural...
Control of RAB7 activity and localization through the retromer-TBC1D5 ...
2018年1月17日 · Surprisingly, we found that RAB7 not only decorates late endosomes or lysosomes, but is also present on the endoplasmic reticulum, trans -Golgi network, and mitochondrial membranes, a localization that is maintained by retromer and the retromer-associated RAB7-specific GAP TBC1D5.
RAB7A Gene - GeneCards | RAB7A Protein | RAB7A Antibody
2024年12月25日 · RAB7A (RAB7A, Member RAS Oncogene Family) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with RAB7A include Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Axonal, Type 2B and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2B. Among its related pathways are Response of Mtb to phagocytosis and Signaling by Rho GTPases.
Rab 7: an important regulator of late endocytic membrane traffic
Rab5 and rab7 proteins belong to a superfamily of small molecular weight GTPases known to be associated with early and late endosomes, respectively. The rab5 protein plays an important regulatory role in early endocytosis, yet the function of rab7 protein was previously uncharacterized.
Revisiting Rab7 Functions in Mammalian Autophagy: Rab7 …
Rab7 (or Ypt7 in yeast) is one of the well-characterized members of the Rab family small GTPases, which serve as master regulators of membrane trafficking in eukaryotes. It localizes to late endosomes and lysosomes and has multiple functions in the autophagic pathway as well as in the endocytic pathway.
Rab 7:晚期内吞膜运输的重要调节剂。,Journal of Cell Biology - X …
Rab5和rab7蛋白属于小分子GTP酶的超家族,已知分别与早期和晚期内体有关。 rab5蛋白在早期内吞作用中起着重要的调节作用,但是rab7蛋白的功能以前是未知的。 通过比较过度表达rab7蛋白(rab7N125I和rab7T22N)的野生型或显性负突变形式的小仓鼠肾细胞中水泡性口炎病毒(VSV)G蛋白内在化的动力学,解决了这个问题。 野生型rab7蛋白的过表达允许正常转运至晚期内体(甘露糖6磷酸受体阳性),而rab7N125I突变体导致VSV G蛋白在早期(转铁蛋白受体 …
Rab7: Role of its protein interaction cascades in endo-lysosomal ...
2011年3月1日 · Rab7, the key regulator in endo-lysosomal trafficking investigated extensively in the past decades, is emerging to govern early-to-late endosomal maturation, microtubule minus-end as well as plus-end directed endosomal migration and positioning, and endosome–lysosome transport through different protein–protein interaction cascades.