RAB™ Board | 6mm & 9mm Available - James Hardie
RAB™ Board is a solid fibre cement pre-cladding that now comes in two thicknesses; 6 and 9mm. Mostly used for commercial builds, and residential builds exposed to extra high (EH) wind …
Rab™ Board - Innovative Air Barriers for Wind | James Hardie
RAB™ Board is lightweight, easy to cut with a Villaboard™ Score and Snap Knife, and screw or nail to the frame, while the joints are simply taped. Classified as a Class 4 Vapour Permeable …
RAB™ 板 - James Hardie RAB™板 纤维水泥板 新西兰建材供应商
RAB™板(RAB™BOARD)是一种经过预密封的高性价比刚性密封板(rigid air barrier),用于中高层建筑。RAB™板作为纤维水泥板被设计用于暴露在高级别风区及其以下风区的特殊工程设 …
RAB™ Board 9mm is an ideal rigid backing substrate for use behind the façade cavities to improve the acoustic performance of the wall assembly. The continuity of RAB™ Board 9mm …
RAB™ Board James Hardie | 后花园建筑汇 - nz.hougarden.com
RAB™板是一体化的支撑,气密和防火纤维水泥刚性空气屏障。 RAB板的固有强度使其成为住宅和商业特定设计项目中剪力墙设计的理想产品。 RAB板是一种不燃材料,与传统的柔性和木质 …
RAB Board 9mm is suitable for specific design shear wall for residential or commercial applications where the structural design require strong/stiffer shear walls. RAB Board 9mm is …
HomeRABTM Pre-Cladding is a cost-efective robust rigid air barrier ofering resistance to gusting winds to reduce draught and keep your home warm creating comfort inside. Each panel is …
Introducing RAB™ sheathing board, the next generation weather defence air barrier by James Hardie. With superior fire resistance, water-tightness and breathability, RAB Board sheathing …
RAB™ Board 6mm is a 6mm thick fibre cement sheet which is sealed on the face and edges and is suitable for use as a rigid air barrier in Extra High (EH) wind zones or in wind pressures up …
RABTM Board is a 6mm fibre cement sheet, with factory applied CoreShieldTM sealer technology. It is installed beneath claddings or rainscreens as a weather barrier, and delivers …