Hepatitis C virus promotes virion secretion through cleavage of …
2016年11月1日 · The ability of cRILP to promote virus secretion could be prevented by a kinesin inhibitor. HCV thus modifies cellular trafficking by cleaving RILP, which serves to redirect Rab7-containing vesicles to a kinesin-dependent trafficking mode promoting virion secretion.
Hepatitis C virus promotes virion secretion through cleavage of …
We show that HCV promotes the production and secretion of infectious virus particles by disrupting Rab7 complexes, shifting microtubule-associated vesicles from the inwardly directed dynein motor to the outwardly directed kinesin motor …
Relevance of Rab Proteins for the Life Cycle of Hepatitis C Virus
2018年12月4日 · Rab GTPases, a large family of small GTPases, play a central role in intracellular trafficking processes controlling fusion, uncoating, vesicle budding, motility by recruiting specific effector proteins. This review describes the relevance of various Rab proteins for the different steps of the HCV life cycle.
Ras 相关蛋白7 (Ras-related protein 7 ,Rab7 ,一种小 GTP ) - 酶家族的成员 是自噬体 溶酶体融合进程中最为重要的 , 分子之一 也是调控该进程复杂信号通路网络的枢纽分 [3] 子 。 1 Rab7 参与的信号通路 Rab7 (Rab7a ,NCBI 核酸序列号NM_004637 ;酵母ypt7p ) GTP , 208 , 的同源基因 是 酶家族成员之一 含 个氨基酸 主要 图1 Rab7 参与的信号通路 存在于后期或成熟内体。 Rab7 参与早期内体向晚期内体的转 , ,Rab7 [4]。
Endocytic Rab proteins are required for hepatitis C virus
2010年3月1日 · During infection, hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS4B protein remodels host membranes to form HCV replication complexes (RC) which appear as foci under fluorescence microscopy (FM). To understand the role of Rab proteins in forming NS4B foci, cells expressing the HCV replicon were examined biochemically an …
Rab7及其相关成分介导的自噬体与溶酶体融合可降解乙型肝炎病 …
2018年6月6日 · 使用特异性siRNA,Rab7沉默可增加LC3点的数量(图1C和S2A)以及自噬货物LC3-II和p62的水平,Rab7沉默后强烈增加(图1D)。 Rab7沉默显着增加了HBcAg,HBV衣壳和与衣壳相关的HBV DNA的量(图1D),并增加了分泌水平。
专家点评Cell Research丨康铁邦团队发现新的外泌体通路 - 知乎
在EGF刺激条件下,通过免疫荧光和免疫印迹追踪EGFR的定位和降解,发现外源表达的RAB31可以将EGFR阻滞在CD63阳性MVEs而不进入溶酶体,即RAB31通过抑制MVEs和溶酶体融合来阻止EGFR的溶酶体降解。 因为MVEs和溶酶体融合由激活型RAB7介导,研究团队推测高表达的RAB31会抑制RAB7的活性。 通过检测细胞中激活型RAB7的水平和定位,研究团队证实外源表达的RAB31会显著降低细胞中激活型RAB7的水平,而且RAB31定位的晚期内体和MVEs表面没 …
PNAS | 四川大学揭示高等生物中RAB7A激活的新机制 - 知乎
Mon1-Ccz1复合体是RAB7唯一已知的GEF,属于TLD RabGEF家族,每个蛋白含有3个Longin Domains ( LDs )。 该复合物通过激活RAB7A (或真菌中的Ypt7),是内体成熟过程中RAB5 - RAB7A转换的关键调节因子,也可能是线粒体自噬。
Interferon-inducible protein SCOTIN interferes with HCV ... - Nature
2016年2月12日 · Hepatitis C virus (HCV) utilizes autophagy to promote its propagation. Here we show the autophagy-mediated suppression of HCV replication via the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein...
Activation of the unfolded protein response and autophagy after ...
2010年12月6日 · Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a single-stranded, positive-sense, membrane-enveloped RNA virus that can cause chronic liver disease. Here we report that HCV induces the unfolded protein response (UPR), which in turn activates the autophagic pathway to promote HCV RNA replication in human hepatoma cells.