Nature子刊 | 细胞外基质ECM硬化会促进肿瘤外泌体的释放 - 知乎
Rab蛋白家族是调控外泌体生物发生和释放的主要调控因子,Rab8参与了细胞外运输。 Akt抑制剂MK-2206处理降低了GTP-Rab8的水平,表明Rab8在硬化的ECM条件下在Akt下游被激活。 在用MK-2206处理的细胞中也观察到总Rab8的增加,这可能是通过当Akt被阻断时细胞中Rab8表达的代偿性上调。 Rabin8被Akt磷酸化并激活. GTP负载和Rab8的激活由其鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(GEF)Rabin8控制。 与Rab8敲除一致,Rabin8敲除也减少了外泌体分泌。 Rabin8在表达 …
The Rab8 GTPase regulates apical protein localization in ... - Nature
2007年6月27日 · Here we show that Rab8 is responsible for the localization of apical proteins in intestinal epithelial cells. We found that apical peptidases and transporters localized to lysosomes in the small...
Guanine nucleotide exchange factors activate Rab8a for Toll-like ...
Rab nucleotide activation assays with CRISPR-Cas9 mediated knock-out (KO) cell lines of GRAB, Rabin8 and double KOs showed that both GEFs contribute to TLR4 induced Rab8a GTP loading, but not membrane recruitment.
Comprehensive knockout analysis of the Rab family GTPases in …
Here, we generated a comprehensive collection of knockout (KO) MDCK cells for the entire Rab family. We knocked out closely related paralogs simultaneously (Rab subfamily knockout) to circumvent functional compensation and found that Rab1A/B and Rab5A/B/C are critical for cell survival and/or growth.
EHBP1L1 coordinates Rab8 and Bin1 to regulate apical-directed …
In this study, we identified a novel Rab8-interacting protein complex containing an EH domain–binding protein 1–like 1 (EHBP1L1), Bin1/amphiphysin II, and dynamin. Biochemical analyses showed that EHBP1L1 directly bound to GTP-loaded Rab8 and Bin1.
AMPK通过调节Rab8a-Plin5互作促进脂滴线粒体互作 - 知乎
小鼠肌肉中,Rab8a KO,脂滴线粒体互作减少。 为了研究Rab8a的缺失是否会影响运动期间体内的FA氧化,作者采用了一个封闭的跑步机连接到一个热量评估系统来监测高强度运动方案期间的呼吸交换率(RER)。
Rab family of small GTPases: an updated view on their …
In this review article, we describe recent findings in regard to the regulation and functions of Rabs, and we update the lists of GEFs, GAPs, effectors, and knockout (KO) phenotypes of mammalian Rabs. Fig. 1. The Rab GTPase cycle.
文献分享【Nat. Cell Biol.】细胞外基质硬化促进外泌体分泌和肿瘤 …
当肿瘤细胞在“硬凝胶”上生长,Rabin8被磷酸化,证明存在下列逻辑链条,即细胞外基质硬化 → 细胞表面整合素聚集 → FAK活化 → 激活Akt信号通路 → Rabin8活化(p-Rabin8) → Rab8活化(GTP-Rab8) → JFC1与GTP-Rab8结合 → 外泌体分泌更多。
C9orf72-catalyzed GTP loading of Rab39A enables HOPS …
2023年10月11日 · We identify Rab39A as a key small GTPase that recruits HOPS onto autophagic vesicles. Proper pairing with Rab2 and Rab39A enables HOPS complex assembly between proteoliposomes for its tethering...
Rab8a 和 Rab8b 对几种顶端运输途径至关重要,但不足以用于纤毛 …
Rab8a and Rab8b are essential for several apical transport pathways but insufficient for ciliogenesis. The small GTP-binding protein Rab8 is known to play an essential role in intracellular transport and cilia formation. We have previously demonstrated that Rab8a is required for localising apical markers in various organisms.