Rab family of small GTPases: an updated view on their …
In this review article, we provide the most up‐to‐date and comprehensive lists of guanine nucleotide exchange factors, GTPase‐activating proteins, effectors, and knockout phenotypes of mammalian Rabs and discuss recent findings in regard to their regulation and functions.
Rab proteins: The key regulators of intracellular vesicle transport
2014年10月15日 · Rab proteins are characterized by their distinct sub-cellular localization and regulate a wide variety of endocytic, transcytic and exocytic transport pathways. Mutations of Rabs affect cell growth, motility and other biological processes.
Localized, highly efficient secretion of signaling proteins by ...
2024年6月25日 · Our findings reveal a specialized, highly localized secretion paradigm in migrating cells, conceptually paralleling the targeted neurotransmitter release observed in neuronal systems. Migrasomes,...
The Role of Rab Proteins in Neuronal Cells and in the Trafficking of ...
Rab proteins are small GTPases localized to the cytosolic surface of specific intracellular compartments and are involved in controlling vesicular transport. Rab proteins, acting as master regulators of the membrane trafficking network, play a central role in both trafficking and signaling pathways of neurotrophin receptors.
Rab11-Rab8 cascade dynamics in primary cilia and membrane …
2024年11月26日 · The Rab11-Rab8 cascade, involving the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Rabin8 or GRAB, is important in primary ciliogenesis, neurite outgrowth, apical lumen formation, and axon outgrowth. 1,2,3,4,5 This membrane trafficking pathway is highly conserved and is homologous to the yeast Rab cascade involving Ypt31/32 (Rab11)-Sec4 (Rab8) with ...
Rab 蛋白是Ras超家族( 包括Ras、Rho、Rab)中最大的家族,是一类小分子GTP 结合蛋白,在酵母中发现了11种,秀丽隐杆线虫中29 种,人类中大约有70 种[2]。 1983 年,第一个Rab 基因(YPT1)在酿酒酵母中被发现[3] ;1987 年,Touchot等首次在哺乳动物中克隆出与YPT基因功能类似的同源基因,并命名为Rab (Ras-like in rat brain)[4] 。 本文就Rab蛋白的主要功能及其在帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)、阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)、亨廷顿病(Huntington’s disease, HD) …
Rab8 | SpringerLink
2018年1月1日 · This review presents a synopsis of recent developments on Rab8 function. As detailed in the following sections, Rab8 regulates transport from the trans-Golgi network to the basolateral plasma membrane of epithelia, neuronal dendrites, and the ciliary membrane. Rab8 is required in cellular polarization, cellular signaling and development.
The Rab GTPase-binding protein EHBP1L1 and its interactors …
2023年2月6日 · Previous studies have demonstrated that Rab8 is a positive regulator of primary cilia formation that is involved in PCV assembly during early ciliogenesis and vesicle trafficking to the ciliary base via various binding proteins that interact with the membrane, centrosome/basal body, and cytoskeleton; however, whether these proteins bind ...
Coordination of RAB-8 and RAB-11 during unconventional protein ...
2023年11月29日 · Multiple physiology-pertinent transmembrane proteins reach the cell surface via the Golgi-bypassing unconventional protein secretion (UcPS) pathway. By employing C. elegans –polarized intestine epithelia, we recently have revealed that the small GTPase RAB-8/Rab8 serves as an important player in the process.
<br>非常规蛋白分泌过程中 RAB-8 和 RAB-11 的协调,Journal of …
2023年11月29日 · 我们还确定了 SNARE VTI-1/Vti1a/b 是参与顶端 UcPS 的新 RAB-8 相互作用因子。 此外,RAB-11/Rab11能够招募RABI-8/Rabin8来降低SMGL-1/GEF对RAB-8的鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换活性,这表明微调RAB-8/RAB-11网络的必要性。 含有顶端 UcPS 货物的 RAB-8 和 RAB-11 阳性内体结构群向顶端移动。 在没有 RAB-11 或其效应子的情况下,货物分别保留在 RAB-8 和 RAB-11 阳性内涵体中,表明这些内涵体被用作 UcPS 的中间载体。 多种生理相关的跨膜蛋白 …
清华大学PNAS发表细胞胞吐研究新发现 - 生物通
Rabin8 is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) and major activator of Rab8. Investigating how Rabin8 is activated in cells is thus pivotal to the understanding of the regulation of exocytosis. Here we show that phosphorylation serves as an important mechanism for Rabin8 activation.
The Ciliopathy Protein CC2D2A Associates with NINL and
2015年10月20日 · Similar to zebrafish cc2d2a mutants, ninl morphants display altered Rab8a localization. Further exploration of the NINL-associated interactome identifies MICAL3, a protein known to interact with Rab8 and to play an important role in vesicle docking and fusion.
Nature Cell Biology丨肿瘤微环境的硬度与肿瘤细胞外泌体
2023年12月29日 · 作者探究了Akt激活对囊泡胞外运输至关重要的Rab27和Rab8影响。 结果显示,高硬度基质培养的细胞其GTP-Rab8与经典下游效应蛋白JFC1结合增加,而同为JFC1上游的GTP-Rab27与JFC1的相互作用没有显著改变(图5A)。
Rab 蛋白在囊泡运输和信号传导中的作用 - 豆丁网
2016年4月5日 · 与Rab8相对应,Rab6a控制着从高尔基体到内. 质网的逆向运输,维持高尔基体膜的动态平衡。 通过吸附不同的效应因子而实现与靶膜的结合。 Rab1则调节包被蛋白II(COPII)介. 与转录。 蛋白相互作用,调节膜运输的关键步骤。 据Hoepfner. 形成和运输密切相关。 最近Stein等. 期内体上Rab7对调节hVPS34的功能也起重要作用。 同样,
Akt Regulates a Rab11-Effector Switch Required for Ciliogenesis
2019年7月22日 · Here, we demonstrate that through the LPA receptor 1 (LPAR1), serum lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) inhibits Rab11a-Rabin8 interaction and ciliogenesis. LPA/LPAR1 regulates ciliogenesis initiation via downstream PI3K/Akt activation, independent of …
Rab GTPases and their roles in brain neurons and glia
2008年6月1日 · At chemical synapses, Rabs perform specific functions in synaptic vesicle exocytosis (Rab3) and postsynaptic compartment dynamics of glutamate receptors (Rab8). Much less is known about the role of Rabs in astroglia/oligodendroglia-specific processes, although Rab family members that are glia-enriched (Rab22B, Rab40C) have been reported.
Coordination of RAB-8 and RAB-11 during unconventional protein ...
2024年2月5日 · Multiple physiology-pertinent transmembrane proteins reach the cell surface via the Golgi-bypassing unconventional protein secretion (UcPS) pathway. By employing C. elegans-polarized intestine epithelia, we recently have revealed that the small GTPase RAB-8/Rab8 serves as an important player in the …
Rabin8 regulates neurite outgrowth in both GEF …
2016年5月11日 · Here, we show that Rabin8, a Rab8-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), regulates nerve growth factor (NGF)–induced neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells. Knockdown of Rabin8 results in inhibition of neurite outgrowth, whereas overexpression promotes it.
Nucleotide exchange via local protein unfolding—structure of Rab8 …
2006年3月16日 · Here we present structural and biophysical characterization of the MSS4 protein in complex with the exocytic Rab8 GTPase. Rab8 is implicated in basolateral transport in polarized cells and possibly mediates cytoskeletal dependent movement of melanosomes (Hattula et al, 2002; Chabrillat et al, 2005).
Addgene: pGFP-Rab8A [Q67L]
Plasmid pGFP-Rab8A [Q67L] from Dr. Maxence Nachury's lab contains the insert hRab8A [Q67L] and is published in Cell. 2007 Jun 15. 129 (6):1201-13. This plasmid is available through Addgene.