Rabanra - Dragon Ball Wiki
Rabanra (ラバンラ, Rabanra) is a warrior from Universe 2, a member of Team Universe 2, and an attendant to the Kamikaze Fireballs.[2] He is a Frieza Race-like humanoid whose top part of his body is a dark orange, with his lower arms and legs being dark blue. He …
Rabanra | Dragon Universe Wiki | Fandom
Rabanra (ラバンラ) is a warrior from the 2nd Universe. Having been picked to represent his universe, Rabanra arrives at the Tournament of Power alongside the 2nd Universe (team), Helles, Sour and Peru. When the tournament begins, Rabanra confronts Jiren, but swiftly retreats after being intimidated.[1]
拉邦拉 - 百度百科
拉邦拉,男, 日本 经典动漫《龙珠超》及其衍生作品中的角色,动画由森田成一配音。 拉邦拉是第2宇宙的战士。 招式是用双爪进行连续抓击。 和 卡昆莎 一样变身。 变身台词“拉拉·拉邦·拉拉邦”。 [1] 用双爪进行连续抓击。 [1] 拉邦拉和扎布多的组合必杀技。 [1] 扎罗印、拉邦拉、扎布多三人的组合必杀技。 是把第2宇宙爱的重量集中到一点,创造出的重力集合体。 是里布里安她们也未能掌握的绝招,过重的爱有时会束缚人,并带来痛苦,爱到极致,并进而控制其重量的人方可发 …
Rabanra - VS Battles Wiki
Rabanra (ラバンラ Rabanra) is a warrior from Dragon Ball's Universe 2, a member of Team Universe 2, and an attendant to the Kamikaze Fireballs. Tier: 2-C. Name: Rabanra. Origin: Dragon Ball. Gender: Male. Age: Unknown. Classification: Alien, Team Universe 2 member.
Rabanra | Universal Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Rabanra (ラバンラ Rabanra) is a warrior from Universe 2, a member of Team Universe 2, and an attendant to the Kamikaze Fireballs.
Rabanra (disambiguation) - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Disambiguation page for all playable cards of the character Rabanra in the game. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, …
Rabanra - Videogaming Wiki
Rabanra (ラバンラ) is a warrior from Universe 2 who participates in the Tournament of Power. Rabanra appears in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, added on 5th October 2023 in the Japanese version and 1st February 2024 in the Global version as …
Rabanra - Dragon Ball Wiki Hispano | Fandom
Rabanra (ラバンラ, Rabanra¿?) es uno de los luchadores del Torneo de la Fuerza, representante del Equipo Universo 2 para la supervivencia de su universo. Su nombre proviene de bara, un corte de carne Yakiniku (carne a la parrilla).
Rabanra | Dragon Ball Wiki Brasil | Fandom
Rabanra é um guerreiro do Segundo Universo e participante do Torneio do Poder. Rabanra tem a pele laranja, pernas azuis, pulseiras azuis e um cristal verde na sua cabeça. No início do Torneio do Poder, Rabanra vai até Jiren para atacá-lo, mas …
Rabanra (Dragon Ball Super) - MyAnimeList.net
Read more information about the character Rabanra from Dragon Ball Super? At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world!