Judge Doom | Villains Wiki - Fandom
Judge Doom is the main antagonist of the 1988 Disney/Touchstone/Amblin live-action/animated hybrid film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He is the ruling judge of Toontown, the archenemy of Eddie Valiant and Roger Rabbit, the owner and CEO of …
Judge Doom - Wikipedia
Judge Doom is a fictional character and the main antagonist in the 1988 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, portrayed by Christopher Lloyd.
Judge Doom | Disney Wiki | Fandom
Judge Doom (formerly known as Baron Von Rotten) is the main antagonist of Disney/Touchstone's 1988 hybrid film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Doom is the much-feared Judge of Toontown. Despite presiding over a city of Toons, he is totally without mirth and passes capital punishment on Toons who break...
Judge Doom - Roger Rabbit Wiki | Fandom
Baron von Rotten, also known as Judge Doom, is the main antagonist, portrayed by Christopher Lloyd in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He is the much-feared Judge of Toontown. Despite presiding over a city of Toons, Doom is totally without mirth and passes capital punishment on Toons who break...
Judge Doom | Walt Disney Animation Studios Wikia | Fandom
Judge Doom (formerly known as Baron Von Rotten) is the main antagonist of the 1988 Disney/Touchstone/Amblin live-action/animated hybrid film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He is the ruling judge of Toontown, the archenemy of Eddie Valiant and Roger Rabbit, the owner and CEO of Cloverleaf Industries and the boss of the Toon Patrol.
Judge Doom | Pure Evil Wiki | Fandom
Judge Doom is the main antagonist of the 1988 Disney/Touchstone hybrid film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He is the judge of Toontown, the arch-nemesis of Eddie Valiant, Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit, and the boss of the Toon Patrol.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - Christopher Lloyd as Judge Doom - IMDb
Judge Doom : I'll catch the rabbit, Mr. Valiant. And I'll try him, convict him, and execute him. [dips shoe in poison, and cremation smoke starts sizzling out]
Judge Doom | Bad Guys Wiki | Fandom
Baron von Rotten, better known as Judge Doom, was the main antagonist of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He was the (former) judge of Toontown, Eddie's arch-nemesis, and the Toon Patrol's former leader and boss.
Who framed roger rabbit bad guy? - ShiftyChevre
The plot revolved around Roger Rabbit, a lovable toon accused of murdering the famous actress, Jessica Rabbit. But who was really behind the crime? The question has been on many fans’ minds for years.
Judge Doom - Disney's Most Terrifying Villain
2023年10月9日 · For the uniniatied, Judge Doom is from Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?, a pinaccle of animation that holds up to this day. The villain, played by the usually delightful and everyone's wacky grandpa Christopher Lloyd, is a law enforcment official tasked with keeping the antics of Toon Town from getting out of hand.