Color Experts! Sabino? Rabicano? - The Horse Forum
2010年10月20日 · The problem with both rabicano and sabino is that they can hide in minimal expressions, therefore resulting in a rabicano foal from two seemingly "solid" parents. …
Paint horses with Rabicano - The Horse Forum
2013年10月29日 · Yep, my friend has a registered Paint mare who sports numerous patterns - we're thinking at least sabino, frame and rabicano plus potentially splash. These pics don't …
Pink Floyd - Rabicano Arabian Stallion | The Horse Forum
2014年7月27日 · I think this guy deserves his own thread, so here I'll formally introduce my new stallion, Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd is 2001 15.3hh bay rabicano Arabian stallion. He is sired by …
Interesting Color - Black, Roan, or Rabicano? | The Horse Forum
2015年3月20日 · Not enough concentration in the flanks with the amount of white on the body for rabicano. True roan can and does at times concentrate white at the tail head. Rabicano …
Is it possible my Sorrel is an rabicano and sabino?
2022年4月16日 · Your horse is rabicano. I don't believe he is sabino. I had a gelding that I raised that for his first 2 years, he was sorrel rabicano.. . . . . and then he went pink. It was all over …
Rabicano or sabino? - The Horse Forum
2013年10月22日 · Unless you mean it in a sense like pearl requires either another pearl gene or a cream gene to be displayed. But I believe that pearl is alone in that kind of oddness and there …
Roan? Rabicano? Purebred Arabian - The Horse Forum
2014年7月25日 · The rabicano typically concentrates around the flank, girth, and tail, where as sabino is more common to cause the white hairs on the neck. So I'd be tempted to say he …
Sabino, tobiano, pinto, flecking....what? | The Horse Forum
2012年7月19日 · Rabicano - a roaming effect limited to the flank area instead of total roaning. Often puts silver or sooty hairs in the tail only or in a ringed or "skunk" tail. Riding: The art of …
Roan Or Rabicano? Or? - The Horse Forum
2014年11月19日 · Rabicano. Horses with the rabicano gene tend to have white hairs splattered across their rump, ribcage, and sometimes shoulder/neck. They often have a raccoon tail, as …
Pink Floyd - Rabicano Arabian Stallion | Page 2 | The Horse Forum
2013年8月2日 · I have a by rabicano filly that looks like a roan. However arabians do not carry the roan gene. I might want to inquire about breeding this filly in the future to your boy . I like his …