Rackam (Grand) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Rackam's 5★ uncap is unlocked after completing Chapter 119 Story: Will of the Traveler. This character has received balance updates on the following dates: 2017-12-14, 2019-05-28; Duration II. The 35% mode bar cut is based on the current mode bar rather than a …
Rackam - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Rackam's 1★ uncap is unlocked after completing Chapter 4 Story: The Storm Guardian. Rackam's 4★ uncap is unlocked after completing Chapter 28 Story: A Ship Full of Memories. Rackam's alternate story art is unlocked after completing Chapter 89 Story: Teachings of the Sage. Rackam gains ATK +330 by completing a Cross-Fate episode. Copyable?
Rackam (Holiday) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
2023年8月10日 · Race Officially called "Type" in-game. Specialty This character gains 20% more ATK from weapons of this type in your grid. Gender Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. One holy night, the helmsman embraced a new purpose.
拉卡姆 - 碧蓝幻想中文维基|Granblue Fantasy|碧蓝幻想Relink|碧蓝 …
上品な質感と手触り、艶感を持つ希少な天然素材を使い、精到な技術を備えた仕立て屋によって誂えられた気品溢れる礼服。 背中に描かれた植物の意匠は、どこまでも伸び行く幸運を表す。 熱狂渦巻く大人の社交場においても、常に冷静な勝負師の姿を華麗に演出する。 使用具有高雅的质感、手感和光泽感的稀少天然素材,由技术精密周到的裁缝铺定做而成的高贵礼服。 背后的植物图案,代表着无限延伸的幸运。 即使在狂热的成人社交场合,也能经常演绎出沉着冷静的赌 …
Rackam Build Guide - Granblue Fantasy: Relink Guide - IGN
Rackam is the helmsman of the Grandcypher and one of the most trusted confidants of The Captain in Granblue Fantasy. Having been through thick and thin with them, he's also demonstrated his...
Best Build for Rackam in Granblue Fantasy Relink
2024年2月7日 · Rackam specializes in ranged combat, and the only build that fits him in Granblue Fantasy: Relink is a DPS-focused one. He doesn’t have many support or healing skills. Instead, he focuses on increasing his attack speed and high damage at the cost of his health.
Rackam - Granblue Fantasy Relink Wiki
Rackam is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Rackam is one of the early allies that is automatically recruited in the game, he is an attack-type character who specializes in long-range attacks, inflicting critical damage, learning melee moves, and using fire-based skills.
Best Rackam build in Granblue Fantasy Relink - Dot Esports
2024年2月28日 · Rackam is one of two primary gunslingers from the original crew of Granblue Fantasy Relink. While his primary element is Fire, with enough levels and points invested in his skills, Rackam can...
Guide to Building the Best Rackam in Granblue Fantasy: Relink
2024年2月10日 · Rackam, the helmsman of the Grandcypher, stands as one of Granblue Fantasy: Relink’s most formidable damage dealers. While other characters rely on melee strikes and magic spells, Rackam dominates enemies from afar with his trusty wheellock pistols .
Rackam - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Former helmsman of the Grandcypher, he started flying again when he met Gran. The smoking go-getter of a helmsman at Port Breeze. His shooting abilities are as impressive as his ability to control an airship. He's very blunt, but incredibly helpful and well-liked. Rackam's 4th …
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