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Clutter Rejection
Pulse Doppler filtering on groups of 8 or greater pulses with a fine grained clutter map. Aircraft are detected in ground clutter and / or rain with the Doppler filter bank & use of 2 PRFs. Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Used with permission. Why? Figure by MIT OCW.
Coherent Processing Interval - an overview - ScienceDirect
By making the radar coherent, the phase history of the target can be preserved during the coherent processing interval (CPI), so that Doppler information can be derived, which provides two dimensions: distance and Doppler. This two-dimensional information can help isolate the required moving target from the surrounding static clutter, thereby ...
Moving Target Indicator (MTI) and Pulse-Doppler (PD) processing use the Doppler shift of the different signals to enhance detection of moving targets and reject clutter. Unambiguous range is inversely proportional to the PRF. The PRF is twice the Doppler frequency of the target signal.
通感一体化(四)-联合车辆通信和雷达系统的OFDM导频雷达 - 知乎
为简单起见,我们假设目标的雷达散射截面( radar cross sections, RCS)包含在相干处理间隔(coherent processing interval, CPI)期间不波动的单点散射体。 鉴于CPI不是很长, 可以安全地假设目标的距离和速度在CPI内是恒定的。
Coherence in Radar - Radartutorial
In a pulse radar system, coherence describes the phase relationships between the transmitted and the received pulses. Oscillations and electromagnetic waves are described as coherent if their phase relationships are constant. In case of incoherence, these …
B1 雷达信号处理基础之基本介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一组以某种方式相干组合的脉冲,对于例如通过多普勒处理或 合成孔径雷达 (SAR)成像,形成了一个相干处理间隔(CPI)。 更高的水平雷达处理作用于来自多个 CPI 的数据,因此在甚至更长的时间尺度通常称为驻(dwell),通常持续几毫秒几秒或几十秒。
Introduction to Pulse Integration and Fluctuation Loss in Radar
The radar detectability factor is the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required to declare a detection with the specified probabilities of detection, P d, and false alarm, P f a. The Modeling Radar Detectability Factors example discusses in detail the computation of the detectability factor for a radar system given a set of performance ...
2022年11月14日 · 恒虚警率CFAR是Constant False-Alarm Rate的缩写。 在雷达信号检测中,当外界干扰强度变化时,雷达能自动调整其灵敏度,使雷达的 虚警概率 保持不变,这种特性称为恒虚警率特性. 模糊函数 是研究目标 二维分辨力,即研究两个不同距离、不同速度目标的组合分辨问题时得到定义的。 两个点目标回波: 衡量二维目标分辨能力的准则用均方差表示,则: 将XY平面延迟、频率轴的坐标原点由雷达移到目标一(即令),这时坐标平面由XY平面移到了 平面,由 …
fft - Doppler Frequency Resolution for Radar - Signal Processing …
The key to understanding velocity resolution for pulsed radar is that coherent processing interval (CPI - the total amount of time spanned by slow time samples) acts as a rectangular windowing function on your slow time samples.
Radar Beamforming and Digital Processing - EE Times
2011年6月10日 · Coherent processing interval (CPI) The number of N columns is the number of transmit pulses in the coherent processing interval (CPI). Recall that all of the radar data is complex, having magnitude and phase. The CPI has to do with the phase relationships between data across the array.