Active DI - Radial Engineering
The Radial JPC is an active stereo DI with transformer isolated inputs to eliminate noise that is common with computers and consumer audio devices.
Direct Box - Radial Engineering
Amp DI. Connect directly to the output of your amplifier to impart the tone of the amp on the direct track, or bypass the speaker cabinet entirely with the Headload load box. See all
JDI - Passive Direct Box - Radial Engineering
The Radial JDI is a passive direct box designed to handle extreme signal levels without distortion of any kind. At the heart, the Radial JDI employs the world class Jensen JT-DB-EPC audio …
Radial Direct Boxes - Sweetwater
Radial ProD2 2-channel Passive Instrument Direct Box Passive Stereo DI with Isolation Transformer, 15dB Pad, and Lift Switch $
Radial Pro DI Passive Direct Box - amazon.com
2001年10月2日 · The Radial ProDI is a high-quality, passive mono direct box that's perfect for use with acoustic guitars, bass guitars, electric pianos, and synthesizers. The ProDI's custom …
Radial di盒J48 、音频隔离器 - 什么值得买
1976年,Radial创始人PeterJanis在加拿大,三蒙特利尔的一家音乐商店开始了他的音乐和专业音频行业之旅。 一、主要特点. •立体声到单声道合并开关. • 倒相开关. • 高通(80Hz) 隆隆声滤 …
Radial DI盒用户盘点 | 叉烧网 - exound.com
2017年7月13日 · 脑残残儿童欢乐多,美国非著名死金团 Cannibal Corpse ,歌词态度强硬,结果就是惨遭HX,然后就变成了著名死金乐队。贝斯手 Alex Webter 使用的 Radial 旗下的 …
Amazon.com: Radial Di Box
Radial DI Box PROD2 Passive Stereo DI Box Bundle with 10ft Pig Hog XLR Microphone Cord & Polishing Cloth - Hum Eliminator DI Boxes for Instruments, Passive Box Made for Keyboards, …
Radial ProDI 1-channel Passive Instrument Direct Box
Stress on circuit boards causes broken and intermittent solder joints, a common cause of failure in commercial rental and other high-use environments. A full bottom no-slip rubber pad works …
Passive DI - Radial Engineering
The Radial Trim-Two is a passive direct box, designed for use with laptop computers and other consumer type devices where the user has a requirement for a ‘ready access’ volume control …