Radial Scar — Community Discussion Forums
Final pathology was 2 x separate radial scars, Florid benign changes including fibrocystic changes, UDH, PASH, sclerosing adenosis, apocrine adenosis, columnar cell change, columnar cell hyperplasia, and duct ectasia. The radial scar extends to the inferior and superior margins.
Radial Scar, rare microcalcifications — Community Discussion …
2022年2月28日 · But then it said - Features suggestive of radial scar. Rare microcalcifications associated with normal ducts. I've been researching radial scars and it seems mixed on whether you should have it removed. But I am not finding much on rare microcalcifications. Does anyone have any insight on the radial scar and/or microcalcifications?
Radial Scar - Observe or Take Out? — Community Discussion …
My surgeon took out 2 lesions. The first was a radial scar with microcalcifications as expected. The second was an unexpected intraductal papiloma with fibrocystic changes. The papilloma didn't show up on any imaging tests. My surgeon found it …
Not diagnosed but worried….Input or Advice
2025年2月23日 · Architectural distortion (AD) is often caused by a radial scar, a benign lesion (not really a scar) that occurs in tissue that is favorable for breast cancer. AD can disappear but sometimes only temporarily. That is probably why they have scheduled you for another mammogram and ultrasound in six months.
Architecture distortion with benign biopsy but sent to MRI and …
Mine showed the radial scar on the core biopsy at 1/3 but at 1/5 (more distortion) was benign changes.. at surgery they found 2 separate radial scars along with a long list of benign changes (florid usual ductal hyperplasia, PASH, sclerosing adenosis, apocrine adenosis, columnar cell change, columnar cell hyperplasia, fibrocystic change, duct ...
Had a Radial Scar found on mammo then stereo biopsy in to center of radial scar was benign . Radiologist suggested excisional biopsy to remove Radial Scar. Came back with LCIS and surgeon immediately suggested prophylactic mastectomy. My gyn said that was too extreme.
Risk Assessment after removal of radial scar
In the Tyrer Cusik calculator she could enter breast biopsy result unknown. From what I have read a radial scar increases your lifetime risk of breast cancer by 1.6%. From my experience I would recommend a manual breast exam in addition to each mammogram since radial scars can hide tumors from imaging. I hope this helps.
Surprise upgrade of benign radial scar to IDC grade 1 t1b
Brief history about my case: I was diagnosed with radial scar during routine mammogram. When a core needle biopsy was done it came back as benign but my doctor insisted on getting a lumpectomy. Now my doctor called me and told me that actually they found a tumor - 5.5mm IDC grade 1 , ER and PR +.
One year into this and noticed something new
2025年2月19日 · Hi all so last January I had a biopsy due to microscopic calcifications in my left breast that were grouped and suspicious, the results came back radial scar with hyperplasia, my breast surgeon suggested lumpectomy in Feb, those results showed radial scar with atypical ductal hyperplasia. My dr had put me on the high risk screening protocol.
Architectural distortion but nothing on ultrasound
If it’s a radial scar I’ll have it removed due to risk, but I’m really leaning into the research. I’ve seen a range of 18-30% chance of malignancy without an ultrasound finding. Higher than the 2% birads 3 threshold but I’m glad more research seems to be going on since these distortions have become much more common with tomosynthesis