2024年2月12日 · The Radialis PET Imager delivers the next generation of targeted, versatile, and precise molecular imaging. LATEST ORGAN-TARGETED PET TECHNOLOGY VISION TEAM CONTACT BRINGING MEDICAL INSIGHT INTO FOCUS
Radialis Medical
Radialis delivers best-in-class organ-targeted positron emission tomography (PET) medical imaging systems. Radialis’ proprietary technology is based on discoveries made at Lakehead University and its advanced manufacturing facility is in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Radialis Medical
Radialis Medical is now seeking FDA clearance to market its planar dual-head organ-targeted PET system. The system employs a seamless silicon photomultiplier-based detector array using patented light-sharing technology to efficiently localize radiation emission.
Radialis Medical
Thunder Bay, ON (January 19, 2023) – Radialis Inc., a medical device company offering an FDA cleared Organ-Targeted PET Imager, announced today that the company has received ISO 13485:2016 certification for Medical Devices - Quality Management Systems.
Radialis Medical
Radialis announced earlier this month that it has submitted a 510(k) application for its organ-based PET camera, which employs detectors based on silicon photomultipliers rather than traditional PET instrumentation.
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Discover the versatility of the Radialis PET Imager and learn more about its low-dose imaging capabilities. Meet us at Booth 1925! *Name *Email address
Radialis Medical
Radialis delivers best-in-class organ-targeted positron emission tomography (PET) medical imaging systems. Radialis’ facility for advanced manufacturing of medical devices is in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Radialis Medical
Feb 9, 2024 by Amerigo Allegretto, Auntminnie.com "Low-dose positron emission mammography (PEM) can detect invasive breast cancer in a feasible manner, according to research published February 9 in Radiology: Imaging Cancer.
Radialis Medical
February 12, 2024, Jeff Hall, Diagnostic Imaging "Recent pilot study results from the use of low-dose positron emission mammography (PEM) revealed a 96 percent detection rate for malignant breast lesions as well as an 87.1 percent sensitivity rate and a 94.7 percent specificity rate.
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