Radicle: the sovereign forge
2024年11月28日 · Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack built on Git. Unlike centralized code hosting platforms, there is no single entity controlling the network. Repositories are replicated across peers in a decentralized manner, and users are in full control of their data and workflow. The Radicle heartwood repository.
The Next Phase of the RadicleDAO - Transition to the DAO
2022年3月29日 · As outlined in the Path to Increasing Decentralization within Radicle, “transitioning development to the DAO” is a core part of the Radicle vision. The Radicle Foundation was created to “support the development of resilient and humane software infrastructures”, such as Radicle, by supporting the development of operational, technical ...
Web3系列教程之进阶篇---4. 去中心化的代码协作协议 Radicle | 登 …
2022年8月13日 · Radicle 是一个社区拥有的网络,而不是一家公司。网络的治理是通过拥有以太坊上的 $RAD 代币的 DAO 来实现的。 使用 Radicle. 与 Git 不同,Radicle 项目没有单一的规范视图(即主/主分支)。相反,Radicle 项目有多个上游,即代码的不同分支,由代码维护者和贡献者 ...
Tutorial: Setting up your DAO on Radicle — Radworks
A step-by-step guide for onboarding your DAO to Radicle with orgs. Join the Radicle Community Discord if you have questions or need support, and follow @radicle on Twitter for project updates & announcements.
This is a quick onboarding guide for ratifying the Radworks purpose doc with Radicle! It will walk you through the steps of installing radicle, cloning a project, and submitting a patch.
对话Radicle创始人:为开发者创建「自由」协作网络 - BlockBeats
2021年3月3日 · Radicle 栈提供了一个以太坊集成,用于全局名称、DAO 控制的回购和一些融资相关的协议。 对于开发者来说,它是通往以太坊世界的门户,为他们打开了许多今天不可能的新体验。
Distribution of Ownership Workstream - Transition to the DAO ...
2022年6月16日 · As part of transitioning Radicle’s core work to the DAO, this workstream is responsible for developing a plan for distributing “ownership” (read $RAD) of the Radicle network. The goal of the workstream is to help the RadicleDAO design & implement dynamic strategies for distributing native token rewards among network stakeholders ...
详解Radicle(RAD):去中心化的Github,Web3.0代码库,属于开发者的DAO …
【第17期】详解Radicle(RAD):去中心化的Github,Web3.0代码库,属于开发者的DAO, 视频播放量 574、弹幕量 0、点赞数 17、投硬币枚数 9、收藏人数 10、转发人数 8, 视频作者 加密的青椒, 作者简介 本频道仅用于教育科普,不构成任何投资或实操的建议 qingjiao101,相关 ...
Latest Transition to the DAO topics - Radworks Community
A collection of post outlining initiatives and updates around the coordinated work to further decentralization of the Radicle project and transition of core Radicle development to the DAO.
Radicle: 去中心化的代码协作栈 - 元宇宙官网大全
Radicle是一个去中心化的代码协作堆栈,可与Web3原生金融激励工具相结合。 Radicle Link将Git版本控制扩展到点对点网络层。 如果该项目成功地激励其发展,那么采用、DAO协调和价值获取仍然是需要克服的挑战。 开源代码合作的简史
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