Raditz (DBZ) vs Gear 5th Luffy - Battles - Comic Vine
2022年9月1日 · Raditz. Luffy. Rules. Only manga feats for both of them - no anime, guidebook feats etc. Versions are Gear 5 luffy from wano arc, and Raditz from early dbz
Raditz (Character) - Comic Vine
Raditz is a character that appeared in only few episodes in season one of Dragon Ball Z.Raditz is the brother of Goku, and is the eldest son of Bardock.. Saiyan Saga. Raditz had traveled to Earth ...
Raditz (DBZ) vs Gear 4th Luffy - Battles - Comic Vine
2022年8月27日 · The version of raditz is from the beginning of dbz, and he goes all out from the beginning of the fight; Fight to death • 2 years ago. MonvieZ3. Follow 1448. Forum Posts. 0 ...
Raditz(DBZ) Vs Kaido Big Mom Portgas Ace and Perona(OP)
2023年2月22日 · OT: raditz spams moon vaping ki blast for days Show me the non existent panel of Raditz doing this in character and I might concede. You're being even more ignorant in his thread as your are with ...
was raditz wasted potential? - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
2015年7月29日 · Raditz yes, Yamcha is the biggest waste, Coolest character aside Goku and Roshi in DB, I never liked Tien or Krillin. And to everyone who says Gohan is getting bad treatment: 1.
Raditz and Tarble (DBZ) vs Sasuke and Sakura (Naruto)
2016年6月18日 · Sakura is a non-factor. Sasuke solos. Tarble is weak with barely any feats, and Raditz is not only slower than Sasuke (his best speed feat is dodging Special Beam Canon), but is weaker physically ...
(OPM) Empty void VS (DBZ) raditz - Battles - Comic Vine
2024年3月21日 · raditz attempts to take over the OPM earth his space pod lands at the Ninja village and comes face to face with empty void • 5 months ago
Raditz (DBZ) vs Psykos & Orochi (OPM) - Battles - Comic Vine
2020年7月9日 · Raditz has a power level of 1,200 without a rage boost. He doesn't scale to King Vegeta. 2) You still have to prove King Vegeta's feat wasn't filler according to a supposed statement made by Toriyama.
Thragg, Conquest, & Omniman vs Vegeta, Nappa, & Raditz
2023年8月23日 · The DBZ wiki lists out all of the power levels for the Series. ... Raditz at 1,500-1,600 was equal to Saibamen and way above Piccolo; Nappa at 4,000 effortlessly made a moon-sized blast;
DBZ/DB: King Piccolo & Forces vs Raditz - Battles - Comic Vine
An alternate future where King Piccolo kills off Goku but Raditz arrives to conquer where his brother failed.King Piccolo, Tambourine, Drum and Cymba