RAGE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
rage翻译:愤怒, (一阵)盛怒;(一阵)狂怒;(一阵)暴怒, 事件, 热闹的活动, 怒斥;发怒,发脾气, 激烈进行;猛烈发作;肆虐, (描述人们发怒、狂暴的情景)。
rage,英语单词,主要用作 名词 和 动词,主要意思为“盛怒,狂怒;发脾气,大怒”等。 [1] n. 盛怒,狂怒;粗暴的举动,愤怒的行为;(喻)(自然事物的)狂暴,凶猛;<非正式>风靡一时,非常流行;强烈的欲望,激情;<文>(尤指预示的、诗意的或武力的)狂热;<澳新,非正式> 欢乐聚会,热闹的活动. v. 发脾气,大怒;(战斗、争论)激烈进行,(暴风雨)肆虐;(火灾、疾病)迅速蔓延,快速扩散;(感情)强烈表现,变得强烈;<澳新,非正式>狂欢,出去作乐. …
RAGE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
RAGE definition: 1. (a period of) extreme or violent anger: 2. an exciting or entertaining event involving a lot of…. Learn more.
关于愤怒的四个单词:indignant, outrage, rage, fury. 它们的区别 …
2015年3月16日 · anger, ire, rage, fury, indignation, wrath mean emotional excitement induced by intense displeasure. Anger, the most general term, names the emotional reaction but in itself conveys nothing about intensity or manifestation of the state. <tried to hide his. at their behavior>.
"his face turned red with rage" 2. a state of extreme anger; "she fell into a rage and refused to answer" 3. something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him" 4. violent state of the elements; "the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks" 5. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the ...
英语单词Anger, Rage, Outrage的区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Rage is anger and usually leads to destruction or injury. Unlike anger that people still can control over themselves and can maintain rational mind, rage means someone is completely lose all control of himself/herself. Rage 是 暴躁暴怒,通常会导致破坏或者伤害等非常不好的后果。 Anger的人仍然能控制自己的情绪以及保持理性的头脑,但Rage的人则是自己 完全丧失了对自己理 …
rage from-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: Some rage from you.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"rage from"
RAGE在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
RAGE的意思、解释及翻译:1. (a period of) extreme or violent anger: 2. an exciting or entertaining event involving a lot of…。了解更多。
词汇精选:rage的用法和辨析 - 沪江英语
2018年10月25日 · anger普通用词,通常指因受到侮辱、损害、指责或顶撞等而引起的愤怒。 indignation较正式用词,指出于正义或对不公正之事而发出的愤怒。 fury语气最强,指极端的气愤,甚至达到发疯的程度。 rage侧重突然而猛列发作,难以控制的大怒。 wrath文学用词,含义与anger相近,但语气强,含欲加惩罚或报复的意味。 Let the storm rage on. 让风暴怒吼吧。 He was red-cheeked with rage. 他因盛怒而满脸通红。 His internal rage drives him crazy. 他内心 …
Rage (emotion) - Wikipedia
Rage, Tacuinum Sanitatis casanatensis (14th century). Angel with Temperance and Humility virtues versus Devil with Rage and Anger sins.A fresco from the 1717 Saint Nicholas church in Bukovets, Pernik Province, Bulgaria. Rage (also known as frenzy or fury) is intense, uncontrolled anger that is an increased stage of hostile response to a perceived egregious injury or injustice.
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