细数那些HK416的护木改装件 - 哔哩哔哩
和SMR一样,RAHG的护木需要螺丝固定导轨,形似M-LOK的开孔只是单纯的减重槽. 使用RAHG护木的HK416. Daniel Defense. DD丹尼尔防务也生产过一批适用于HK416的护木,但反响不大,应该没有继续生产. 售价429美刀. DEVGRU的部分HK416有使用这款护木. Midwest Industries. 中西部工业生产的护木,M-LOK孔位也可减重散热,DEVGRU有采用. TORY Industries. 特洛伊工业生产的Revolution Battle Rail护木,碳纤维材质,M-LOK孔位. Lancer Systems. Lancer生产 …
HK416 ——〖枪炮世界〗
另一方面,雷明顿公司也受同为SMU的海军DEVGRU的委托,设计了同类型的HK416护木RAHG(是Remington Accessory Handguard 的缩写)。 雷明顿RAHG也是只保留顶部的安装皮卡汀尼导轨,只在3、6、9点钟方向预留安装皮卡汀尼导轨的螺丝孔。
My 416 Project - RAHG Handguard - HKPRO Forums
2021年5月23日 · RAHG was originally tan and it was Cerakoted to match the HK upper by the seller. I’ve read all the back and forth on these vs Geissele, I must say I really like this thing. I had my sling loops cut by a professional metal customizer. He created a perfect flat cut I believe down to 1/16 or 1/32 he said.
[5KU] RAHG Rail Handguard [For Umarex HK416D AEG / GBB …
[5KU] RMT風格RAHG導軌護木 [適用於WE-Tech / DBOYS / Umarex HK416D AEG / GBB系列] 描述: 部分 貨號:5KU-202-B 構建:鋁 兼容性:WE/VFC HK416 系列 AEGS 長度:10.5 英寸 顏色:黑色 製造商:5KU 規格: 材質:鋁 重量:530克* 顏色:黑色 兼容性:Umarex / DBOYS / CYMA HK416 AEG / GBB Gas ...
Hk416 and the RAHG - HKPRO Forums
2020年2月25日 · Like many, I cloned my MR556 to that of the pictured UBL Hk416, that was involved in Operation Neptune Spear. The author of “No Easy Day”, claimed online that was his setup and the Hk416 in the book, had the factory quad rail. I remembered searching high and low, for the Remington RAHG, and finally getting one, at a reasonable price.
5KU RAHG Tactical Rail Handguard for VFC HK416 Series ( 5KU …
shop 5KU RAHG Tactical Rail Handguard for VFC HK416 Series best price at 18airsoft ( 5KU-202-B ) Manufacturer: 5KU SKU: 5KU-202-B CNC aluminum construction Remington RAHG Style 9.5 inch handguard Accepts M-Lok and modular rail attachments Suitable for VFC Umarex and WE 416 AEG / GBB spec
2020年8月20日 · 枪械附件公司为HK416设计了很多种“轻型护木”其中以Geissele Automatic的SMR护木(三角洲主打)和雷明顿的RAHG护木(海军特种作战研究大队主打)最为流行
VFC NSHG RMT 416 Handguard Set | RedWolf
VFC HK416 RAHG Handguard Kit for VFC/Umarex HK416 AEG/GBB Full Realistic Scale Aerospace Grade Aluminum Alloy Construction Slimline Gas Block Included Full CNC Aluminum Barrel Nut Integral 8 direction non rotating flush cups, full steel made 4 location 3 piece full CNC rail module, 1 with 4 direction low roation sling mount
Best HK416 Handguard - HKPRO Forums
2022年3月17日 · The RAHG feels the best in my opinion, and that’s against any rail on any platform for me. That said, one of mine had some vertical wobble. The Geissele is very nice as well. They (Geissele and RAHG) give you a touch more rail space. The Geissele is very sturdy, as is the RAHG if there is no play.
VFC NSHG 416 Rail Handguard Set ( BK ) ( RAHG Style )
- Full realistic scale - Aerospace grade aluminum alloy - Material same with real - Full realistic manufacturing - Realistic cross slot rail screw - Slimine gas block included - Full CNC aluminum barrel nut - Made in taiwan - for airsoft use only.