Rai San'yō - Wikipedia
Rai San'yō (Japanese: 頼 山陽; 21 January 1780, Aki Province – 16 October 1832, Kyoto) was a Japanese Confucianist philosopher, historian, artist and poet of the later Edo period. His true …
Rai Sanyo - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Sanyo RAI (January 21, 1780 - October 16, 1832) was a historian, composer of Chinese poetry and literary man who lived in the end of the Edo period. He also had a profound knowledge of …
Rai San’yō 頼山陽 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Artist: Rai San’yō 頼山陽 (Japanese, 1780–1832) Period: Edo period (1615–1868) Date: dated 1824. Culture: Japan. Medium: Handscroll; ink on silk. Dimensions: 11 7/8 x 116 3/4 in. (30.2 x …
赖山阳 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2023年10月25日 · 日本近世史学家,江户时代后期的代表性文人。 名襄,字子成,号山阳、三十六峰外史,通称久太郎。 生于大阪,卒于三本木。 其父赖春水曾在大阪开设私塾青山社,而 …
Rai Sanyo Historic Site Museum - 広島県教育委員会
Rai Sanyo (1780-1832) was one of those litterateurs; he made his name as a historian, poet, calligrapher, artist, and so what in the late Edo period, when the samurai age was going to be …
江戸時代後期の日本を代表する漢学者で、歴史・文学・美術などのさまざまな分野で活躍しました。 歴史の分野では、没後に出版された『日本外史』がベストセラーとなり、幕末から明 …
RAI's praise of SU Shi's historical and policy argumentation conforms to the practical thought of pursuing the transformation of reality in the late Edo period, and also contributes to the …
RAI Sanyo 's Acceptance of SU Shi's Articles——Focus on …
RAI Sanyo, a Japanese Sinologist in the late Edo period, was known as "Japanese SU Shi". RAI's acceptance of SU Shi's articles was widely found in his literary criticism and creation, and …
Rai Sanyo - Brief Sketch of Japanese Painter - Jyuluck-Do
Rai Sanyo (1781 - 1832) Confucianist at the latter part of the Edo period (1603-1868). Sanyo was born in Osaka as a son of Rai Harumizu, official confucianist of Hiroshima Domain.
頼山陽/Web書画ミュージアム - nagaragawagarou.com
頼山陽 Rai Sanyo(Rai Sanyou) 安永9年(1780)~天保3年(1832) 大坂江戸堀北一丁目(大阪市西区江戸堀)にあった父、頼春水の私塾「春水南軒」で生まれる。名、襄。字、子成。通称、久 …