What is meant by Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII)?
2010年2月23日 · Many argue that RAII is a misnomer, but actually it is a right name for this idiom, just it is not explained well. Wikipedia explained behavior in detail: Resource acquisition is initialization (RAII) is a programming idiom used in several object-oriented, statically-typed programming languages to describe a particular language behavior. In ...
c++ - Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept
2014年4月22日 · RAII is telling you what to do: Acquire your resource in a constructor! I would add: one resource, one constructor. UTSTTC is just one application of that, RAII is much more. Resource Management sucks. Here, resource is anything that needs cleanup after use.
RAII and smart pointers in C++ - Stack Overflow
RAII is the design paradigm to ensure that variables handle all needed initialization in their constructors and all needed cleanup in their destructors. This reduces all initialization and cleanup to a single step. C++ does not require RAII, but it is increasingly accepted that using RAII methods will produce more robust code.
What's RAII? Examples? - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
RAII is partly about deciding when an object becomes responsible for its own cleanup - the rule being that the object becomes responsible if and when its constructor initialisation completes. The symmetry of initialisation and cleanup, constructor and destructor, means the …
c++ - RAII vs. Garbage Collector - Stack Overflow
2017年6月2日 · RAII uniformly deals with anything that is describable as a resource. Dynamic allocations are one such resource, but they are by no means the only one, and arguably not the most important one. Files, sockets, database connections, gui feedback and more are all things that can be managed deterministically with RAII.
c++ - RAII vs. exceptions - Stack Overflow
RAII promises that it will complete the operation (free memory, close the file having attempted to flush it, end a transaction having attempted to commit it). But because it happens automatically, without the programmer having to do anything, it doesn't tell the programmer whether those operations it "attempted" succeeded or not.
RAII tutorial for C++ - Stack Overflow
2013年10月17日 · RAII can be shortly explained as "Every resource requiring cleanup should be given to an object's constructor." In other words: Pointers should be encapsulated in smart pointer classes (see std::auto_ptr, boost::shared_ptr and boost::scoped_ptr for examples).
General guidelines to avoid memory leaks in C++ - Stack Overflow
Use RAII. Forget Garbage Collection (Use RAII instead). Note that even the Garbage Collector can leak, too (if you forget to "null" some references in Java/C#), and that Garbage Collector won't help you to dispose of resources (if you have an object which acquired a handle to a file, the file won't be freed automatically when the object will go out of scope if you don't do it manually in …
Implementing RAII in pure C? - Stack Overflow
/* Publicly known method */ void SomeFunction() { /* Create raii object, which holds records of object pointers and a destruction method for that object (or null if not needed). */ Raii raii; RaiiCreate(&raii); /* Call function implementation */ SomeFunctionImpl(&raii); /* This method calls the destruction code for each object.
Implementing RAII in C# - Stack Overflow
2012年4月2日 · No and no. using is the closest you can get to RAII (more accurately, we are talking about the resource release that follows a RAII-idiom object being destructed). To answer your points more directly: IDisposable (and by extension using) was created exactly because there is no way to do that in .NET.