Raimon - Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Raimon (雷門 らいもん, lit. Thunder Gate) is the protagonist soccer team of the first season of the Inazuma Eleven series. During the graduation match, they're known as A Team (Aチーム, A Chīmu). Their uniform is a light yellow t-shirt, with blue …
Raimon (GO) - Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Raimon (雷門 らいもん) is the protagonist team in the Inazuma Eleven GO series. In the Inazuma Eleven Strikers games and Inazuma Eleven SD, this team is known as Shinsei Raimon (新生 しんせい 雷門 らいもん, lit. Reborn Raimon), while in Inazuma Eleven Eiyuutachi no Victory Road, it is known as Kakumei no Raimon (革命 かくめい の 雷門 らいもん, lit. Revolutionary Raimon).
Raimon (Chrono Stone) | Inazuma Eleven Wiki | Fandom
Raimon (雷門 (らいもん), lit. Thunder Gate) is the protagonist team of Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone. In Inazuma Eleven SD, this team is known as Team Raimon (チーム 雷門 (らいもん), Chīmu Raimon, lit. Team Thunder Gate). During their journey through time, this team is also temporarily known as America Daihyou (アメリカ 代表 (だいひょう), Amerika Daihyō, lit.
Raimon Eleven | Inazuma Eleven Wiki | Fandom
The Raimon Junior High is the protagonist soccer team of the first and second seasons of the Inazuma Eleven series.
Raimon - Inazuma Eleven Pedia Wiki
Raimon is the main team in the first and second season and In the Movie of Inazuma Eleven.Their first captain was Endou Mamoru and their current captain is Kurimatsu Teppei. Their uniform is a light yellow t-shirt, with blue sleeves and a collar, fitted along with blue shorts.
Raimon - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy Wiki
Raimon (雷門) is a soccer team. It is the school that the three main protagonists, Matsukaze Tenma, Shindou Takuto and Tsurugi Kyousuke go to. The uniform consists a yellow shirt with blue lines at the top, a white collar and a lightning mark at the left side of the shirt. The pants are blue with a yellow line at the bottom of it.
Raimon - Inazuma Eleven Web Wiki
Raimon (雷門) is the main team of the first and second games/seasons. The captain of this team is Endou Mamoru and was coached initially by Hibiki Seigou and later by Kira Hitomiko. Their uniform is a light yellow t-shirt, with blue sleeves and a collar, fitted along with blue shorts. Their socks are white, and their cleats are dark green.
Raimon - Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone Wiki
Raimon (雷門) team is the protagonist team of Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone. Their team jersey has changed over the years compared to the Raimon team from the original series. Their jerseys now have a darker yellow as a base colour, with …
Raimon - Inazuma eleven Wiki | Fandom
Raimon is the main team of Inazuma Eleven. Season 1: Mark Evans Nathan Swift Jack Wallside Jim Wraith Tod Ironside Steve Grim Timmy Saunders Sam Kincaid Max Carson Axel Blaze Kevin Dragonfly... Start a Wiki
Instituto Raimon - Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Instituto Raimon / Secundaria Raimon(LA) - (MX) (雷門 (らいもん), Raimon en japonés, lit. Puerta del Trueno) es el equipo protagonista de la Saga de Mark y de la franquicia de Inazuma Eleven en general. Su capitán es Mark Evans, un entusiasta del fútbol que, junto con Silvia Woods, fundaron el legendario club cuando iban en el primer curso de secundaria.
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