FB PM-63 - Wikipedia
The PM-63 RAK (often incorrectly referred to as Ręczny Automat Komandosów —"commandos' hand-held automatic"; the name itself means cancer or crayfish in Polish) is a Polish 9×18mm submachine gun, designed by Piotr Wilniewczyc in cooperation with Tadeusz Bednarski, Grzegorz Czubak and Marian Wakalski. [1] .
PM-63 Rak冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PM-63 Rak于1963年完成开发,主要用于个人防卫及150米内的近身战斗,发射 9×18毫米马卡洛夫手枪弹 ( 英语 : 9×18mm Makarov ) ,可选择全自动或半自动(单发)射击模式。
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
PM 63C Pistol RAK. Semi automatic 9x18 pistol imported from Poland with a 5.9" barrel and closed bolt action. This pistol features slide that protrudes in front of the barrel. This allows the pistol to be cocked in a traditional way. The receiver is made from machined steel on modernized CNC equipment for a high degree of consistency.
PM-63 Rak衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PM-63 Rak於1963年完成開發,主要用於個人防衛及150米內的近身戰鬥,發射 9×18毫米馬卡洛夫手槍彈 ( 英语 : 9×18mm Makarov ) ,可選擇全自動或半自動(單發)射擊模式。
Polish PM-63 "Rak" machine pistol - Forgotten Weapons
It was officially called the Pistolet maszynowy wzór 1963 (PM-63), but most people refer to it as the ‘Rak’ (Polish for cancer). It was lightweight, compact, capable of serious firepower, yet could be holstered to leave the hands free for whatever job they were needed for.
PM-63: Poland’s First PDW - Forgotten Weapons
2013年2月13日 · It was officially called the Pistolet maszynowy wzór 1963 (PM-63), but most people refer to it as the ‘Rak’ (Polish for cancer). It was lightweight, compact, capable of serious firepower, yet could be holstered to leave the hands free for whatever job they were needed for.
PM-63 RAK Parts Kit - Centerfire Systems
Explore the PM-63 RAK Parts Kit – a unique collector's item featuring authentic military surplus parts of the Polish PM-63, a historic submachine gun. Rated Very Good by the NRA, these kits offer a rare opportunity for enthusiasts to build or display a piece of military history.
The Sub-Machine Gun That Kills Its Owners - YouTube
2024年2月27日 · Today we take a look at the Polish PDW known as the PM-63 “RAK.” A neat little machine pistol with an…unfortunate design flaw.Thanks to TacPack for helping m...
PM-63 RAK - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The PM-63 (Polish: Pistolet maszynowy wz. 1963, lit. "submachine gun model 1963"), nicknamed RAK (Polish: Ręczny Automat Komandosów, lit. "Handheld Commando Automatic"), is a Polish submachine gun. The gun was produced by the Łucznik Arms Factory in Radom, Poland, and chambered in 9mm Makarov.
契合单兵自卫武器设计理念,波兰PM-63 Rak,射击时容易“突脸”_ …
我军最出色的步枪,日本贵族步枪——44式骑兵枪,19世纪英军手中的利器,射速高射程远,马提尼·亨利后膛枪,大清装备的第一支国产步枪——快利步枪,保利新款81式步枪,FN49半自动步枪,发射全威力枪弹,不比加兰德差,只因没赶上二战,二战赫赫有名的SVT-40步枪,射击“啾啾啾”声音好听极了,一人打出一个班火力? 苏联AGS-17烈火榴弹发射器,致死范围7-9米,MAS49半自动步枪,不及“大八粒”的销量与名气,但是性能不差,56半的身体,AK的心,昙花一现的国 …
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