RK ROYAL KLUDGE R75 75% Wired Gaming Keyboard Supports …
RK ROYAL KLUDGE R75 75% Wired gasket mount mechanical keyboard featuring hot-swappable linear cream switches for smooth keystrokes, dynamic RGB backlighting, and durable MDA profile PBT keycaps. It supports QMK/VIA programming for full customization, and its CNC Metal Volume Knob with indicator lights adds functional elegance to your setup.
【心得】鍵盤開箱:RK(Royal Kludge) R75 75% 客製化鍵盤-盛夏 …
2024年1月5日 · 先放店家的成品照片,R75的款式可分成三類:三模RGB、單模RGB、單模白光或藍光,單模版的配色只有兩、三種,三模版的配色有七種可以選,且依照配色不同,預裝的鍵帽高度也會不同,例如魅影、輕風、奶芋配的是Cherry原廠高度,綠砂、青空、純白配的是ASA高球帽,冰淇淋配的是KCA高度;軸體可選TTC鋼鐵軸、煙雨軸、雪皇軸、純靜軸【靜音】、K銀軸PRO、K紫軸PRO【大段落】、茶軸、青軸,除了TTC鋼鐵軸外其餘軸體都是RK自家的軸 …
RK ROYAL KLUDGE R75 Mechanical Keyboard Wired with Volume …
ROYAL KLUDGE R75 Wired Mechanical Keyboard - Adopts a 75% layout and a volume roller, making it a practical choice for gaming. It retains essential arrow and function keys while freeing up desk space. Experience easy control with the built-in mechanical volume knob maded from high-grade CNC aluminum, improving typing efficiency and enjoyment.
RK ROYAL KLUDGE R75 Wired Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, 75
2023年11月24日 · ROYAL KLUDGE R75 Wired Mechanical Keyboard - Adopts a 75% layout and a volume roller, making it a practical choice for gaming. It retains essential arrow and function keys while freeing up desk space. Experience easy control with the built-in mechanical volume knob maded from high-grade CNC aluminum, improving typing efficiency and enjoyment.
- 评论数: 80
99元也HIFI,RK R75三模无线机械键盘评测 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
老牌外设厂商RK也在近期发布了R75系列机械键盘,提供有线单模、三模两种配置方案,全系采用 Gasket结构 + 开槽PCB 方案,并拥有丰富的内部填充。轴体方面提供了7种轴体,硬件配置上非常亮眼。
應景抹茶紅豆配色!RK R75 三模熱插拔機械式鍵盤 - Mobile01
2024年12月11日 · R75為ANSI-75%配置的小尺寸無線機械式鍵盤,主打特色為三模連接、Gasket結構、熱插拔軸座及帶有RGB燈效等,且支援VIA/QMK軟體,設定調整自由度高。 包裝採用類似哈密瓜的綠色,樂維官網名稱為R75,包裝上為R75 Pro,兩種版本細節略有差異,台灣版則更像是Pro跟非Pro的混元種...但總之本篇還是會以樂維使用的名稱R75為主。 背面僅有製造商訊息。 樂維代理、鍵盤資訊標示貼紙皆位於側邊。 R75畢竟是精簡布局的80鍵鍵盤,部分按鍵 …
NEW Royal Kludge RK R75 Mechanical Keyboard Wired with …
Personalization RGB Keyboard - Enjoy personalization south-facing transparent RGB backlit with RK R75 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. Comes with 18 RGB backlight modes, 8 monochrome backlight options, 5 brightness levels, 5 speed levels and 1 full-color backlight, which can customize your gameplay atmosphere at its maximum.
RK R75Pro:依然199起,升级了,但没升到位! - 什么值得买
2025年1月8日 · RK R75是紧跟VGN N75 开卷75配列键盘的,对比先者的公模外壳,R75的夹心拼色外壳设计更加讨喜。 当时很难抢购到这把首发即翻车的键盘,我也是在他们改进后N版大货才买到的,首发翻车的点主要是四周塌陷。 时过境迁,R75Pro悄然而至。 打开RK标准绿色包装,抚摸键盘本体,右侧合模线割手。 一眼可见的漏轴,让人开心不起来。 这次的旋钮终于对齐了,并且可替换成按键。 功能区顶置,大小写灯、WIN锁定灯、充电提示均为独立指示灯,放在上方 …
75% Keyboards for Gaming and Typing | RK Royal Kludge
RK84 is a wireless or wired 75% keyboard giving you all the keys and functions you need while keeping it compact. It features hot-swap switches, a large battery, RGB lighting, professional software and etc.
Royal Kludge RK R75 : Meckeys.com : 75% Keyboard
RGB backlit keyboard with over 20 built-in RGB backlight modes and support for QMK/VIA programming. Ergonomic keyboard design to offer the most comfortable gaming and work experience. One year domestic warranty. Use this link to download the latest driver. Buy any keyboard get 10% off on keycaps set. Get Meckeys Sticker Pack free with every order.