Raku-chan | Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls Wiki | Fandom
Raku-chan (Japanese: 楽ちゃん) is the protagonist of Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls. She is a cheerful, outgoing catgirl who loves to spend time with her friends Koneko-chan and Hitoshi-san. She often uses Japanese phrases such as “kawaii”, “sugoi”, “nya”, and “desu” every time she speaks.
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (にゃん~ 砂糖 猫 女の子, Nyan~ Satō Neko On'na no Ko), often abbreviated by fans as NNSG, is a fanime series created by SoapOpera46. The series contains a total of 11 episodes and a Christmas Special featuring the three main characters Raku-chan, Koneko-chan, and Hitoshi-san.
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (Web Animation) - TV Tropes
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls is a YouTube -hosted Fanime series, which has gained a certain amount of infamy in some circles just for existing. The show chronicles the lives of Cat Girl Raku-chan, her best friend Koneko-chan, and her love interest, the blue-haired Hitoshi-san.
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls/Transcript
The following is the complete set of transcripts for Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls. R = Raku-chan K = Koneko-chan H = Hitoshi-san V = Vet-sama B = Bokutachi-san
Characters in Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls - TV Tropes
Let Them Die Happy: Knowing that Raku still has rabies, Koneko-chan tells Hitoshi to spend as much time with the girl as possible so that she'll be happy in the chance that she dies. Meaningful Name : Koneko is Japanese for "kitten".
Neko Sugar Girls | Tropedia | Fandom - The True Tropes Wiki
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls is a YouTube-hosted Fanime series, which has gained a certain amount of infamy in some circles just for existing. The show chronicles the lives of Catgirl Raku-chan, her best friend Koneko-chan, and the object of her desire, the blue-haired Hitoshi-san.
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls | Project Page
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (にゃん~ 砂糖 猫 女の子, Nyan~ Satō Neko On'na no Ko), often abbreviated by fans as NNSG, is a fanime series created by SoapOpera46. The series contains a total of 11 episodes and a Christmas Special featuring the three main characters Raku-chan, Koneko-chan, and Hitoshi-san.
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls | Website!
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls: Genkaiten is set not too long ago after Raku-Chan's death. A looming threat seems to be disturbing our hero's city. And with the help of his ninja master he'll defeat the evil mastermind that seems to be causing trouble!
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls - Haime! Sweet and Sour Boys Wiki
The series initially focuses on the day-to-day lives of the bubbly Raku-Chan, the reserved Koneko-Chan, and the flirtatious Hitoshi-San. Early episodes focus on Raku's not-so-subtle crush on Hitoshi, and her attempts to get closer, parodying several slice-of-life anime.
Sugar~ Girl Raku-chan | Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls Wiki | Fandom
Sugar~ Girl Raku-chan is an upcoming animated fan-made prequel to Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls. It is by Nyan Neko Forever and Candylani18, where ShojoLove55 is the host channel for posting official SGR content.