1P76 Rakurs and Rakurs A-1 by NPZ - RussianOptics
Rakurs is a very modern non-magnified collimating 'red dot' type sight which uses a German Post reticule instead of the traditional dot. Similar in design to the PK-AS with an always-on etched reticule, Rakurs is different than PK-AS or other dot optics in that it requires no batteries and is tritium illuminated for low light shooting.
Rakurs A - BearOptics Warehouse
Rakurs-A New optical military extreme tactical combat Prism sight. It not only fills the role of the traditional red dot as a CQB short range/fast acquisition sight, but also has unique features designed specifically for longer range combat shooting.
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
The Rakurs-A is the leading edge of collimating technology from the NPZ factory. The Rakurs-A will fit AK-74, AK-74M, AK-101, AK-102, AK-105, AK-107, AK-108, and AH-94 rifles and variants having the AK or universal side rail.
Optics - russiansurplus.net
The PO1X20, formerly called "Rakurs" is a modern collimator "red dot" type, non-magnifying sight. It is manufactured by NPZ (Novosibirskiy Priborostroitelniy Zavod) in Russia. It comes with an AK mount, lens cover, carrying case, manual.
Rakurs - ГК Ракурс
The Rakurs Group is one of the leaders in the Russian industrial automation market. Since 1991 we have been gaining expertise in developing automated process control systems (APCS) for large-scale plants as well as relatively small stations. Nowadays we can offer high-end products based on state-of-the-art home-produced automation solutions.
Rakurs - Vikipediya
Rakurs (fransuzcha: „raccourcir“ — qisqartirmoq) — tasviriy sanʼatda turli narsalarni perspektiv qisqartirib aks ettirish. Bezak rassomligida rakurs fazoviy kenglik va harakatni oʻta samarali koʻrsatish uchun qoʻllanadi.
Collimator PO 1X20 "Rakurs" - russiansurplus.net
The PO1X20, formerly called "Rakurs" is a modern collimator "red dot" type, non-magnifying sight. It is manufactured by NPZ (Novosibirskiy Priborostroitelniy Zavod) in Russia. It comes with an AK mount, lens cover, carrying case, manual.
Rakurs značenje, definicija i primjeri - Jezikoslovac
Što znači RAKURS, definicija i primjeri rečenica za riječ RAKURS na hrvatskom online rječniku i leksikonu Jezikoslovac.com
rakurs – značenje – Opšte obrazovanje
rakurs (francuski raccourci): 1. u filmskoj umetnosti: ugao iz kojeg se snima kamerom (donji (žablji) rakurs – snimanje kamerom iz donje perspektive, odozdo; gornji (ptičji) rakurs – snimanje kamerom iz gornje perspektive, odozgo); 2. u filmskoj umetnosti: detalj u filmu na koji se kamera posebno fokusira;
SPC "Rakurs"
More than 25 years we create Russian engineering history. Rakurs successfully realized projects in Russia, CIS, India, China, Angola. Our company gained experience in creation of the technological processes control systems, both for rather small …
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