Ralf Jones - SNK Wiki
Ralf Jones (ラルフ・ジョーンズ) is a character from the Ikari Warriors, Metal Slug, and The King of Fighters series. He also starred as the player character in the shooting games T.N.K. III and …
拉尔夫·琼斯,SNK 格斗游戏 《拳皇》中人物。 初期设计将拉尔夫设计成为上半身裸露的样子,以表现所在队伍“怒”的主题。 但是在检查的阶段遭到了“设计的样子过老”的指责,于是便改为了 …
Ralf Jones/Move List - SNK Wiki
Ralf Super Phalanx + [KOF XIV] Ralf clenches both of his fists together and proceeds to punch his foe with an 8-hit Jet Vulcan Punch until they stagger backwards, ending with a straight …
The King of Fighters XV/Ralf Jones - Dream Cancel Wiki
2025年2月8日 · Ralf Jones is a straight-shooting, explosive brawler with huge normals, great guard pressure and massive damage output. Great guard pressure: Ralf has the tools to force …
The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Ralf Jones - Dream Cancel Wiki
2022年9月10日 · Ralf lean his entire body on his arm and then lunges toward the opponent throwing a fierce explosive haymaker. Galactica Phantom has invincibility, does great damage, …
Ralf Jones | The King of Fighters Wiki | Fandom
Ralf Jones. Es un personaje de los videojuegos Ikari Warriors, Metal Slug y The King of Fighters. Es también un personaje jugable en títulos T.N.K. III y Iron Tank.
Ralf Jones (The King of Fighters) - Fighters Generation
2022年9月19日 · Ralf and Clark are members of an elite mercenary-for-hire agency called the Ikari Warriors. Over the years, Ralf has proven himself to be a powerful soldier with natural …
The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Ralf Jones - Dream Cancel Wiki
2024年11月5日 · Ralf is a poking character that has access to some of the best normals in the game. Ralf has a number of excellent midrange pokes that allow him to control space in front …
The King of Fighters '98/Ralf - SuperCombo Wiki
Ralf is a very powerful character who is just under the top tier. He is a tank/counter-hit/poke/fundamental mixup type character. He's some of the most infamous 'pokes' (I say …
Ralf Jones - The King of Fighters Wiki
Ralf Jones is a character from the Ikari Warriors, Metal Slug, and The King of Fighters video game series. He also stared as the player character in the shooting games T.N.K. III and Iron Tank. …