PD Dr. Ralf Kiese
PD Dr. Ralf Kiese Head of Division Terrestrial Bio-Geo-Chemistry Head of Research Group ' Ecosystem Matter Fluxes ' Expertise Feedback of global environmental changes on terrestrial ecosystems and biosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere exchange of …
Ralf KIESE | Head of Department | PD Dr. | Karlsruhe Institute of ...
Ralf KIESE, Head of Department | Cited by 11,539 | of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (KIT) | Read 266 publications | Contact Ralf KIESE
KIT-Campus AlpinInstitute - Staff - Dr. rer. nat. PD Ralf Kiese
Head of Division Terrestrial Biogeochemistry/ Head of Working Group Ecosystem Matter Fluxes group: Ecosystem Matter Fluxes room: Campus Alpin phone: +49 8821 183-153 ralf kiese ∂ kit edu bgc.imk-ifu.kit.edu/staff/pd-dr-ralf-kiese
Ralf Kiese - Google Scholar
KIT IMK-IFU - 15.075-mal zitiert - biogeochemistry
Ralf Kiese 23.05.1972 Head of department Terrestrial Biogeochemistry, Senior Scientist Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus Alpin, IMK-IFU, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
KIT-Campus Alpin - Institut - Personen - Dr. rer. nat. PD Ralf Kiese
Das KIT/IMKIFU erforscht Veränderungen der Atmosphäre, des Wasserhaushalts und der Lebensbedingungen im globalen Klimawandel. Die Prozesse in der Atmosphäre zu erforschen ist eine Grundlage um den Klimawandel zu verstehen.
Ralf Kiese - Research.com
Discover the latest information about Ralf Kiese - D-Index & Metrics, Awards, Achievements, Best Publications and Frequent Co-Authors. Ecology and Evolution scholar academic profile.
Ralf Kiese (0000-0002-2814-4888) - ORCID
ORCID record for Ralf Kiese. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
KIT-Campus Alpin - Institute - Divisions - Terrestrial Bio-Geo-Chemistry
One of the greatest challenges for predicting future environmental conditions is to better understand anthropogenic perturbations of the biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and associated exchange processes between terrestrial ecosystems, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. In our division we use an integrated research approach consisting of process and field studies, and use ...
Ralf Kiese's lab | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Principal Investigator: Ralf Kiese | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists
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