FRATRICIDE: An Amoni-Ram Story - SCP Foundation
The Emperor of Amoni-Ram is dying. His two sons struggle for the throne. A general is pulled into a plot to kill her dauphin. The future of the Mekhanites hangs by a narrow thread.
Amoni-Ram | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Amoni-Ram, identified as SCP-001-GOLD, was a city located in the Arabian Desert serving as the capital of the Church of the Broken God within the REDTAPE canon. At its former location, it was sieged by the Daevites, Sarkites, and the forces of the Abominate, where it teleported away with Mekhane's Kiss to the Arabian Desert.
SCP Firmware入门一篇就够啦 - CSDN博客
2023年8月18日 · 在SCP中,firmware代码指的是固件相关的程序代码。固件是硬件设备中嵌入的软件,通常用于控制、管理和维护设备的功能。 要SCP firmware代码,首先需要确保目标主机和源主机之间建立了安全的连接。然后,可以使用SCP命令将firmware代码
RAM - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
在某个偏远的时间线,一种本用于改造兵器的危险外来病毒覆盖了整个地球。 这种病毒几乎能治疗所有的伤口,疾病,比你见过的所有医生都要厉害。 但是,一旦你造成了哪怕只是造成一点点划伤,或者仅仅是得了一个小感冒,病毒将会不可阻挡地活跃起来,在数个小时后宿主便会止不住地惨叫,并痛苦地死去,唯一活下来的方法就是忍着巨大的疼痛不停地令自己受伤。 某几个机构为了延续人类的未来,在各地建立了几个所谓的孵化池。 简单来说便是把几具尸体扔下去,一个全 …
The BLACKSTAR looked over his hordes, at the great walls of Amoni-Ram lying sundered and broken in the distance, and frowned. The sun cast a strange glow over the tableau. Amoni-Ram’s golden towers shone, even through the smoke of the shelling.
ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal - SCP Foundation
Researchers were organized primarily into two groups - an engineering team headed by Doctor Aram to investigate the technology of Amoni-Ram and SCP-001-A instances, and an anthropological team headed by Doctor Nussbaum to investigate the history, culture, and ultimate fate of the 'Mekhanite Empire'.
BLACKSTAR Mekhane Yaldaboath Mekhanite Empire SCP Foundation Administrative Department O5 Council Department of Task Forces Mobile Task Forces Scientific Department Adytum Earth Asia Indian subcontinent Mamjul Middle East Arabian Peninsula Arabian Desert Amoni-Ram Korar Homo sapiens
SCP-001/AMONI-RAM - NamuWiki
2025年2月12日 · It is not the birth of the Foundation, but the story of the Foundation's discovery and exploration of the lost city of 'Iram of the Pillars', its correct name is 'Amoni-Ram', which was the capital of the ancient Mekhane Empire, the predecessor of the Church of the Broken God .
ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal - SCP Database Wiki
Gold Prelude: Lord Blackwood in the City of Amon Iram! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
2024年9月22日 · SCP(Super Charge Protocol):华为的超级快充协议,支持更高功率,如10V/4A,主要通过提高电流实现更快充电。 AFC(Adaptive Fast Charging):三星的快充协议,支持9V/12V的输出,通过调节电压提供稳定充电。