Ramo Teder – Vikipeedia
Ramo Teder (sündinud 15. septembril 1970 Viljandis) [1] on eesti kunstnik ja muusik (multiinstrumentalist). Muusikuna on ta teinud soolokarjääri, kasutades esinejanime Pastacas, kuid mängib ka koos Marko Veissoniga ansamblis Puuluup ning Mari Kalkuni ja Tuulikki Bartosikiga trios Upa-upa ubinakõnõ.
Pastacas - Õunaviks
The multi-instrumentalist known as Pastacas (Ramo Teder as a painter) was born in the small town of Viljandi. His stage-name actually means “ballpoint pen,” which refers to his preferred instrument for sketching and composing.
- Brady Gerber
2017年4月7日 · Ramo Teder is a 46-year-old dreamer and multi-instrumentalist from Viljandi, a small town in southern Estonia. He currently lives in Teijo, Finland, in the middle of a large national park filled with lakes, forests, and historical villages. Consequently, the presence of nature is felt so clearly in every song of his musical project Pastacas.
Tsaca tsap - Pastacas
2004年2月4日 · The multi-instrumentalist known as Pastacas (Ramo Teder as a painter) was born in the small town of Viljandi, Estonia. With the repeated involvement of acoustic guitars, mandolins, and flutes, which are often channeled through delay and/or loop pedals, Pastacas’ compositions have been called “remarkably charming and creative” by Wire ...
Music | Puuluup
Puuluup is a duo – Ramo Teder (Pastacas as a solo artist) and Marko Veisson. The instruments – talharpas – represent tradition and folklore. The lyrics and melodies are a mixture of our musical memories and improvisation.
Puuluup : Riot Artists
Puuluup was formed in 2014 by two talharpa enthusiasts Ramo Teder and Marko Veisson. Ramo Teder is a multi-instrumentalist and has been known for his long solo project Pastacas. He is also a looping pioneer in Estonia and has mastered these skills for twenty years already.
Pastacas: “Muusika on lõpmatu” - ajakirimuusika.ee
2017年2月3日 · Viljandist pärit Ramo Teder on kunstnik, kes tegutseb peamiselt muusikuna, keda kellegagi naljalt segamini ei aja. Juba pikemat aega Soomes elav isikupärane muusik, artistinimega Pastacas, on ilma igasuguse kahtluseta üks Eesti originaalsemaid ja huvitavamaid muusikuid – isiksus, kes ei mahu tegelikult kindlasse žanri ning kes ei tunne ka ...
Puuluup - Bangalore International Centre
Ramo Teder is an Estonian musician and artist, best known for his involvement in the folk-electronic duo Puuluup, where he plays the Hiiu kannel, an ancient Estonian bowed harp. His music blends traditional Estonian folk with modern electronic influences, incorporating loops and sound effects to create a unique, experimental sound.
Puuluubi Ramo Teder: väga tšill on, uued fännid on põhiliselt lapsed
2025年2月28日 · Taskuhäälingu „Muusikanõunikud“ uues osas on külaliskriitikuks Ramo Teder, kes teeb iseseisvalt muusikat artistina Pastacas ja moodustab koos Marko Veissoniga duo Puuluup. Mõlemad mehed pälvisid just presidendilt Valgetähe V klassi teenetemärgid.
Ramo Teder - EKABL
Sündinud 15. september 1970, Viljandi [54] Kunstnikunimi: Pastacas. jaanuar 1993 – jaanuar 1993. Priit Pangsepa ja Ramo Tederi maalid (koos: Priit Pangsepp). Viljandi Kunstisaal. veebruar 1996 – 17. veebruar 1996. Mingid pildid. Kilpkonna galerii. 24. mai 1996 – juuni 1996. Ramo Teder ja Peeter Leinbock (koos: Peeter Leinbock). Teater "Ugala"
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