Ran Erel - Google Scholar
Ran Erel. Gilat Research Center, Agricultural Research Organization. Verified email at volcani.agri.gov.il - Homepage. Plant nutrition Phosphorus root-soil interactions. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title.
Ran EREL | Researcher: Plant Nutrition | Ph.D | Soil and Water ...
Ran EREL, Researcher: Plant Nutrition | Cited by 1,291 | | Read 51 publications | Contact Ran EREL
Ran Erel's Lab - ResearchGate
Principal Investigator: Ran Erel | In our lab, we seek to explore the soil-root-plant continuum and complex interactions that influences nutrients availability.
Long-term irrigation with reclaimed wastewater: Implications …
2019年3月1日 · Reclaimed wastewater (RWW) supplied considerable amount of nutrients to olive trees. Tree performance was not negatively affected by the elevated salinity in the RWW. Soil SAR steadily increased in the RWW treatments leading to higher ESP levels. Sodicity increases indicate concern for soil degradation in the long-run.
Ran Erel (0000-0003-1780-3291) - ORCID
2016年2月5日 · Ran Erel Flowering and Fruit Set of Olive Trees in Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
Ran Erel Email: [email protected] Received: 6 January 2021 Accepted: 9 March 2021 New Phytologist (2021) 230: 2213–2225 doi: 10.1111/nph.17344 Key words: desert dust, foliar uptake, leaf surface, organic exudates, plant nutrition, phosphorus. Summary Phosphorus (P) scarcity constrains plant growth in many ecosystems worldwide. In P-poor
Root Development of Bell Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) as ... - PubMed
2019年12月25日 · Ran Erelet al. Plants (Basel).2019. Fruits are the dominant sinks for assimilates. At optimal conditions, assimilates supply can meet the demand of fruits and those of the vegetative organs; however, extreme circumstances such as strong sink strength or an environmental stress may disturb this fine balance.
Phosphorous Nutritional Level, Carbohydrate Reserves and
2016年12月1日 · Ran Erel 1 , Uri Yermiyahu 1 , Hagai Yasuor 1 , Dan Cohen Chamus 1 , Amnon Schwartz 2 , Alon Ben-Gal 1 , Arnon Dag 1
Ran Erel - PhD student - ARO, Gilat research center | LinkedIn
View Ran Erel’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. PhD student at ARO, Gilat research center · Experience: ARO, Gilat research center · Education: The Hebrew...
- 职位: PhD student at ARO, Gilat …
- 位置: ARO, Gilat research center
- 人脉数: 96
Elevated fruit nitrogen impairs oil biosynthesis in olive ( Olea ...
2023年6月30日 · Our results suggest that the protein/oil trade-off paradigm cannot explain the noticeable decrease in oil biosynthesis in olives, indicating that additional mechanisms are involved in N-induced inhibition of oil production. This inhibition was not related to the soluble carbohydrate levels in the fruit, which were comparable regardless of N level.
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