Ran Shorrer - Department of Economics
With leading researchers in economic theory, econometrics, international economics, and macroeconomics, the Economics Department at Penn State is an outstanding department.
Ran HE | PhD Candidate | Ph.D Candidate in Geosciences
Webpage: https://sites.psu.edu/carbonatehr/ I’m a PhD candidate at the Department of Geosciences, the Pennsylvania State University. I work with Prof. Miquela Ingalls. My research interests...
About me – Ran He - Sites at Penn State
I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at Penn State Geosciences. I work with Prof. Miquela Ingalls and my research interests include carbonate sedimentology and stable isotope geochemistry. I’m particularly interested in combining petrographic observation tools and geochemical tools to study the stable isotopic (C, O, S, Mg, clumped, etc) behavior ...
Bing Ran, Ph.D. - Penn State Harrisburg
Dr. Ran is a faculty member in the School of Public Affairs at Penn State Harrisburg. His research interests focus on the dynamic interactions between society's complex infrastructure and human behavior – a domain generally understood as socio-technical systems.
Ran Zwigenberg - Department of Asian Studies
Ran Zwigenberg’s research focuses on modern Japanese and European history, with a specialization in memory and intellectual history. He has taught and lectured in the United States, Europe, Israel, and Japan, and published on issues of war memory, heritage, atomic energy, psychiatry, and survivor politics.
Ran He – PhD Candidate / Research Assistant at Penn State …
2023年2月7日 · PhD Candidate / Research Assistant at Penn State Geosciences. February 7, 2023. Penn State Ingalls sedimentary geochemistry lab at AGU2022! February 7, 2023. I’m officially a Ph.D candidate now! October 8, 2021. New paper alert! Marinoan cap carbonate carbon isotope paper is now available on Global and Planetary change! September 2, 2021.
Ran He - Penn State Department of Geosciences
Meet the Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs. Where our Students Go. Want to Know More? Attend Prospective Student Events. For Parents and Families. Request Information. …
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Ran Zwigenberg - Department of History
My research focuses on modern Japanese history, with a specialization in memory and intellectual history. My recent manuscript Hiroshima: The Origins of Global Memory Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2014) deals comparatively with the commemoration and the reaction to the Holocaust and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.