Ran Qiu - Wikipedia
Ran Qiu (born 522 BC), also known by his courtesy name Ziyou and as Ran You, was a leading disciple of Confucius. Among Confucius's disciples, he was the foremost in terms of ability and accomplishment in statesmanship. [1] As a military commander of the State of Lu, he repelled an invasion from the neighbouring State of Qi. His influence in Lu ...
Disciples of Confucius - Wikipedia
Ran Qiu (冉求) was related to Ran Gong and Ran Yong. His courtesy name was Ziyou (子有). He was the same age as Rong Yong. He was noted among Confucius's students for his versatile abilities and many talents.
虬髯 - 百度百科
Ran Qiu – MAHANS
Ran Qiu, renowned for his wisdom and exceptional talent, emerged as a prominent politician and advisor in the State of Lu. He held various positions, including Grand Minister of Justice and Grand Minister of Works, and was praised for his wise policies and fair execution.
虬髯客是一个神秘的游侠,有道教背景,意欲在隋末乱世取得天下,于是游历江湖。 在灵石旅舍中,他无礼地欣赏红拂女的美貌,因而认识了李靖与红拂女,红拂女见虬髯客相貌不凡,两人结义为兄妹,三人相约于太原相见。 抵达太原后,虬髯客通过李靖引荐,见到李世民,虬髯客本有帝王之志,见其后,其志遂消,他赠家产、授兵法给李靖,让他辅佐李世民创建帝业,自己则率海船千艘、甲兵十万,进入扶余国,灭其政权而自立为帝。 《虬髯客传》原为《传奇》中一篇。 此篇 …
Ran QIU | PhD Student | Peking University, Beijing - ResearchGate
Ran QIU, PhD Student | Cited by 83 | of Peking University, Beijing (PKU) | Read 8 publications | Contact Ran QIU
“虬髯客传”(qiú rán kè zhuan)属于唐代传奇。 李靖于隋末在长安谒见司空杨素,为杨素家妓红拂所倾慕,随之出奔,途中结识豪侠张虬髯,後同至太原,通过刘文静会见李世民(即唐太宗)。 虬髯本有争夺天下之志,见李世民器宇不凡,知不能匹敌,遂倾其家财资助李靖,使辅佐李世民成就功业。 隋炀帝之幸江都也,命司空杨素守西京。 素骄贵,又以时乱,天下之权重望崇者,莫我若也,奢贵自奉,礼异人臣。 每公卿入言,宾客上谒,未尝不踞床而见,令美人捧出,侍婢罗 …
Confucius disciples English – MAHANS
Ran Qiu, also known as Ziyou, was posthumously honored with the title of Xu Hou. Song Jing praised his proficiency in the rites and music, which made him capable of instructing others. He was also skilled in governance and served as a competent minister.
Confucius and Ran Qiu | Falun Dafa - Minghui.org
2006年5月20日 · Ran Qiu had only planned to learn from Confucius the abilities necessary to become a government official. Then, with the help of Confucius' reputation, he would get the chance to start his political career.
ran拼音_ran的一二三四声汉字 - 康熙字典
ran拼音的字,ran拼音一到四声所有汉字一共有74个,ran拼音的字包括有燃、然、冉、珃、姌、苒、橪、袡、媣、染、熯、繎、髯、呥、髥、肰、䑙、𤙼、冄、𥣹、𪚮、𠤀、䫇、㹱、㿵、𠊌、𤲗、衻、㜣、𥬕、㚩、㾆、袇、𨹌、䎃、䕼、蒅、嘫、𥀫、㸐、𥀭 ...