Ran (protein) - Wikipedia
Ran (RA s-related N uclear protein) also known as GTP-binding nuclear protein Ran is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RAN gene. Ran is a small 25 kDa protein that is involved in transport into and out of the cell nucleus during interphase and also involved in mitosis. It is a member of the Ras superfamily. [5][6][7]
The RanGTP Pathway: From Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Transport to …
2016年1月10日 · In this mini-review we will describe briefly how the RanGTP system regulates the nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of components in interphase and, after NEBD, the activity and/or localization of specific factors to drive spindle assembly.
RanGTP mediates nuclear pore complex assembly - Nature
2003年7月30日 · Here we demonstrate that RanGTP production is required to dissociate nucleoporins Nup107, Nup153 and Nup358 from Importin β, to target them to chromatin and to induce association between separate...
核孔复合体 - 百度百科
运输的能量主要由 细胞核 内与细胞质之间的RanGTP梯度提供。这种梯度的产生主要由于一种核内的蛋白——RanGEF,将Ran上的GDP交换为GTP,因此导致核内RanGTP浓度高于核外。
PNAS | 纳米载体特异性靶向运输载荷进细胞核 - 知乎
这是由小GTPaseRan调控的,它以GTP结合形式(RanGTP)结合Kapβ1,在细胞核内同时释放Kapα和NLS荷载。 NLS-NCs模拟真实的荷载特异性绕过NPCs进入细胞核。 它具有生物相容性,具有低细胞毒性,并且具有优良的结构完整性,其符合形状变化而不断裂。
Nuclear transport proteins: structure, function and disease …
2023年11月10日 · In this review, we will explore the structure, function, and disease relevance of individual NTPs, with a focus on their interaction mechanism and networks, underlying principles, and potential...
The RanGTP gradient – a GPS for the mitotic spindle
2008年5月15日 · RanGTP regulates the activity of NTRs to promote the recruitment of soluble cytoplasmic cargos to mitotic spindle structures by two different mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive.
The RanGTP gradient – a GPS for the mitotic spindle - PMC
The cycling of Ran between its GTP- and GDP-bound forms is catalyzed by the chromatin-bound guanine nucleotide exchange factor RCC1 and the cytoplasmic Ran GTPase-activating protein RanGAP. The result is an intracellular concentration gradient of RanGTP that equips eukaryotic cells with a ‘genome-positioning system’ (GPS).
The RanGTP Pathway: From Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Transport to …
2016年1月11日 · The identification and functional characterization of RanGTP mitotic targets is providing novel insights into mechanisms essential for cell division. Here we review our current knowledge on the RanGTP system and its regulation and we focus on the recent advances made through the characterization of its mitotic targets.
Nucleocytoplasmic transport: Ran, beta and beyond - Cell Press
2001年12月1日 · RanGTP in the nucleus binds to the importin and induces cargo release from the complex. The importin–RanGTP complex is then recycled to the cytoplasm, where RanGTP is displaced from the importin by RanBP1 or RanBP2, followed by RanGAP-induced GTP hydrolysis . An export cycle (right) is similar, the crucial difference being that RanGTP induces ...