Rapa Iti - Wikipedia
Rapa, also called Rapa Iti, or "Little Rapa", to distinguish it from Easter Island, whose Polynesian name is Rapa Nui, is the largest and only inhabited island of the Bass Islands in French Polynesia.
复活节岛是世界上最与世隔绝的岛屿之一,离其最近有人定居的 皮特开恩群岛 也有2,075公里距离。 该岛形状近似呈一三角形,由三座火山组成。 岛上耸立多座火山丘,最高点海拔601米。 地面崎岖不平,覆盖深厚凝灰岩。 岛上的地貌大多是平滑的小山丘、草原和火山。 岛上的海滩上多是岩石,悬崖峭壁遍地都是, 海湾 上没有人看守。 岛上只有三个海滩,沙子非常干净。 东北部高出,面对着波利尼西亚小岛群。 西南部地势平缓,与 智利 西海岸相距3700公里,遥遥相对。 …
拉帕努伊人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉帕努伊人 (Rapa Nui)為 太平洋 復活節島 上的 玻里尼西亞人,為最東的 南島民族。 語言為 拉帕努伊語,而主要語言為 西班牙語。
Rapa French Polynesia, the most remote inhabited island (+FAQs)!
2025年1月6日 · Rapa Iti is the southernmost inhabited island of the Austral Archipelago in French Polynesia, situated in the South Pacific Ocean. It is such an unknown destination that it only has a mini-Tripadvisor page. It lies more than 1,200 km (770 miles) southeast of Tahiti, making it one of the most isolated and untouched islands in the region.
Rapa Nui National Park
Delve into the fascinating archaeology of Rapa Nui, where each stone tells an ancestral story. From the volcanic tuff of the moai to the obsidian and basalt used by the ancient inhabitants, every material is a testament to the artistic skill and cultural richness that defines this unique island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
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Your Ultimate Holiday Destination | Rapa Nui - Easter Island
Rapa Nui Travel Guide is your Ultimate Holiday destination guide. Here you will find all you need to know before visiting Rapa Nui - Easter Island.
Rapa Nui National Park
We invite you to discover Rapa Nui, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and National Historic Monument. Get ready to uncover unique cultural and natural treasures on an unforgettable journey. Explore Rapa Nui and pack adventures!
Rapa Nui National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Rapa Nui National Park is a protected Chilean wildlife area located in Easter Island, which concentrates the legacy of the Rapa Nui culture. This culture displayed extraordinary characteristics that are expressed in singular architecture and …
雷帕霉素 (RAPA)是一种新型大环内酯类免疫抑制剂,为白色固体结晶,熔点为183-185℃,亲脂性,溶解于甲醇、乙醇、丙酮、氯仿等有机溶剂,极微溶于水,几乎不溶于乙醚。