FDA批准Raplixa用来帮助控制手术期间的出血 - 丁香园
2015年5月5日 · Raplixa是一种获批用于成年人的生物制品,在标准手术技术如缝合、绷带或烙术无效或无法使用时用来帮助控制小血管的出血。 在应用到出血部位时,Raplixa溶解到血液中,纤维蛋白原与凝血酶蛋白之间就开始出现反应。
Raplixa™: A Review in Improving Surgical Haemostasis
2015年7月4日 · Raplixa™ is a novel fibrin sealant containing a blend of human fibrinogen and thrombin in powder form. It is approved in adults to help control bleeding when standard surgical techniques have been insufficient. This article summarizes the product characteristics of Raplixa and provides a narrative review of its clinical use and tolerability.
RAPLIXA (Fibrin Sealant (Human))纤维蛋白原 [凝血酶]粉末
Raplixa是一种获批用于成年人的生物制品,在标准手术技术如缝合、绷带或烙术无效或无法使用时用来帮助控制小血管的出血。 在应用到出血部位时,Raplixa溶解到血液中,纤维蛋白原与凝血酶蛋白之间就开始出现反应。 由此形成血凝块,帮助止血。 Raplixa含有纤维蛋白原和凝血酶,这是在人血浆(血液的液体部分)中发现的两种蛋白。 这两种蛋白成分通过一种生产工艺被分别纯化,生产工艺包括病毒失活及移除步骤,可帮助降低血源性传播病毒的风险。 该纤维蛋白胶的 …
FDA 指出,Raplixa是一种生物制剂,批准用于成人标准外科手术中对小血管出血进行控制,在缝合、结扎、烧灼止血无效时可以采用。 Raplixa包括高纯度人类血浆纤维蛋白原和凝血酶派生物,属于混合类干燥型喷雾,小瓶包装。
Raplixa的用途 当无法使用其他闭合伤口或切口的方法(例如缝线,绑带和加热)时,使用纤维蛋白原和凝血酶人体局部散剂或贴剂可帮助控制手术过程中的出血。
Raplixa是一种生物制品批准在成年中使用当标准手术技术,例如缝合,结扎或烧灼,是无效的或不切实际时有助控制来自小血管出血。 当应用于一个出血部位,Raplixa被溶解在血中和纤维蛋白和纤溶酶蛋白间开始一种反应。
Raplixa - Medidex
RAPLIXA is a fibrin sealant indicated as an adjunct to hemostasis for mild to moderate bleeding in adults undergoing surgery when control of bleeding by standard surgical techniques (such as suture, ligature, and cautery) is ineffective or impractical.
Raplixa - Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited - 药物在线
Supportive treatment where standard surgical techniques are insufficient for improvement of haemostasis. Raplixa must be used in combination with an approved gelatin sponge. Raplixa is indicated in adults over 18 years of age.
Raplixa™: A Review in Improving Surgical Haemostasis
Raplixa™ is a novel fibrin sealant containing a blend of human fibrinogen and thrombin in powder form. It is approved in adults to help control bleeding when standard surgical techniques have been insufficient. This article summarizes the product characteristics of …
RaplixaTM is a novel fibrin sealant containing a blend of human fibrinogen and thrombin in powder form. It is approved in adults to help control bleeding when stan-dard surgical techniques have been insufficient. This article summarizes the product characteristics of Raplixa and provides a narrative review of its clinical use and tolera-bility.