Princess Diamond Boa Reproduced!!! - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2013年10月7日 · Princess Diamond Boa Reproduced!!! Boa Constrictor. sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum > Boa Forums > Boa Constrictor > Boa
Hogg Island Boa extinct? Says who? - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2002年12月28日 · Hogg Island Boa extinct? Says who? Boa Constrictor
Meet my new girl! :) [Archive] - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
[Archive] Meet my new girl! :) Boa Constrictor. beautiful lookin boa, whatever morph/locality it is :) re pics...use an image host, its such a shame that the forum software shrinks the pictures down so much ( tinypic.com is a simple one to use, and provides forum tags ready made to drop into posts )
what would be a good boa? [Archive] - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2002年9月5日 · try a dumeril's boa. good temperment and only about 6 to 7 feet total length unless you get a huge female. they are kinda rare but not bad in price. my buddy has 4 and i am getting one when the new ones are born. awesome coloring too.
Amazon Tree Boa (Corallus Hortulanus) + Care Sheet + Hi/Res …
2013年11月13日 · Amazon Tree Boa (Corallus Hortulanus) + Care Sheet + Hi/Res Pictures (see my ATB) Corallus Family
new to boas [Archive] - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2003年4月11日 · However, 90% of the "boa c.i" you see in captivity are actually boa ssp which stands for "boa speci unspecified" (i thought) which means that its unclear what it is. Those are usually mixes from different imperators. The boa c.c. stands for Boa Constrictor Constrictor. These are usually a bit bigger, up to 4 meters.
Hogg Island Boa extinct? Says who? [Archive] - sSNAKESs : Reptile …
2002年12月28日 · Now everyone is saying that they may be extinct in the wild but I can only find it in writting in one book. “ The colourful Hog Island boa may be extinct in the wild.” (Wagner, p.64, 1996) Furthermore it dose not say they are for a fact extinct, they say they “may” be.
pastel to be or not to be?? [Archive] - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2002年12月14日 · Looks to me like he/she may be getting ready for a shed (seems like the dull sheen and wrinkles on her side could be an indication of that), be nice to see pics after the shed so the "pastel", if that's for sure what it is, shows up a lot better.
Cooks question [Archive] - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2003年2月18日 · As everyone has mentioned, the only way of truly distinguishing Amazon's from Cook's is by scale counts, but I would be willing to bet that all of them are Amazons since true Cooks are extremely rare. Either way, congrats on your new boas! :D
RIP Rudy (~1981-2021) - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum
2021年11月6日 · RIP Rudy (~1981-2021) General Boa Forum. sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum > Boa Forums > General Boa Forum: RIP Rudy (~1981-2021)