Teach, learn, and make with the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Raspberry Pi computers. From industries large and small, to the kitchen table tinkerer, to the classroom coder, Raspberry Pi Holdings plc make computing accessible and affordable for everybody.
Getting started with Raspberry Pi
In this project you will connect up a Raspberry Pi computer and find out what it can do. Note: this guide is an introduction to the Raspberry Pi computer, there are also detailed guides to Setting up your Raspberry Pi and Using your Raspberry Pi .
Raspberry Pi Documentation
How to configure and build a custom kernel for your Raspberry Pi. Remote access. Accessing your Raspberry Pi remotely. Camera software. Software and libraries for Raspberry Pi camera hardware. AI Kit and AI HAT+ software. Software and libraries for artificial intelligence on a Raspberry Pi hardware. Raspberry Pi hardware. Technical information ...
Raspberry Pi - Start your
Make the most of your Raspberry Pi! Get started with some Projects Here are some great projects that will help you start writing code and get going with digital making.
Code Editor | Raspberry Pi
Code editor created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Getting started with Raspberry Pi
Using the Raspberry Pi Imager is the easiest way to install Rasperry Pi OS on your SD card. Note: More advanced users looking to install a particular operating system should use this guide to installing operating system images. Download and launch the Raspberry Pi Imager. Visit the Raspberry Pi downloads page.
Erste Schritte mit dem Raspberry Pi
Lass’ uns deinen Raspberry Pi anschließen und ihn zum Laufen bringen. Überprüfe den Steckplatz an der Unterseite deines Raspberry Pi, um festzustellen, ob eine SD-Karte eingelegt ist. Wenn keine SD-Karte vorhanden ist, lege eine …
Resources - Teach, Learn, and Make with Raspberry Pi
Free resources to teach, learn and make with Raspberry Pi, a tiny and affordable computer. Created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Certificate in Applied Computing - Raspberry Pi Foundation
The Raspberry Pi Foundation has partnered with Greater Manchester Combined Authority to launch the Certificate in Applied Computing as part of the Greater Manchester Baccalaureate (MBacc). Together, we aim to equip young people with the vital digital skills they need, whatever their future may hold.
Raspberry Pi
Beginnersprojecten voor de Raspberry Pi. In deze introductie tot Raspberry Pi leer je hoe je de Raspberry Pi instelt en configureert. Je navigeert door de terminal, leert bash scripts maken en taken te automatiseren bij het opstarten of volgens een vooraf vastgesteld schema!