JVC, FVC and CAC Catheters for Rats- Customize for Your Study
Rodent catheters for venous, arterial, duodenal, bile, cisterna magna, and tail vein implant. SAI catheters available for a variety of rat strains and sizes. We make customization easy, affordable and fast. Options include rounded-tip, mesh anchors, beads, and more. Get the design you need at a reasonable price.
Pathological and Clinical Analysis of Vascular Catheterization Models ...
2016年9月14日 · Typically automated blood sampling uses a carotid artery catheterization (CAC) rat model with or without jugular vein catheterization (JVC). In this CAC with or without JVC model (CAC ± JVC), male rats underwent a surgical procedure that involved permanent ligation and insertion of an indwelling catheter into the left carotid artery with or ...
Rat Arterial Catheters (CAC), SAI Infusion Technologies | Animal ...
Tapered polyurethane rat arterial catheters are designed to enter the smaller, more muscular vessels while maintaining strength and durability at the externalization point.
Alignment of the rat CAC and the bovine ADP/ATP carrier. The …
The proximity of the Cys residues present in the mitochondrial rat carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier (CAC) primary structure was studied by using site-directed mutagenesis in combination with ...
Rat Arterial Catheters - SAI Infusion Technologies
Rat carotid artery catheter implants are made easy with SAI catheters. The small tip diameter and smooth material make implant simple and quick, resulting in longer lasting patency. We offer multiple design options to suit surgeon preference, as well as …
The mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier: Function, …
2011年8月1日 · Rat and human CAC contains six Cys. It has been found that reagents which bind reversibly (mercurials and methanethiosulfonates) or irreversibly (N-ethylmaleimide) SH groups as well as reagents which induce the formation of disulfides (Cu 2+ -phenanthroline and diamide) inactivate this transporter (Indiveri et al., 1990, Indiveri et al., 1992 ...
Identification by Site-directed Mutagenesis and ... - ScienceDirect
2005年5月20日 · The proximity of the Cys residues present in the mitochondrial rat carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier (CAC) primary structure was studied by using site-directed mutagenesis in combination with chemical modification.
Site-directed mutagenesis of the His residues of the rat …
2009年8月1日 · In this paper the structure/function relationships of the two native His residues of the rat CAC have been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. According to the bioinformatic predictions, the mutation of the conserved His-29, not of His-205, severely impaired the transport function, except in the case of the H29Q mutant, whose activity ...
Distribution of CaC binding sites in normal rat brain (A-E) and in ...
Calcicludine (CaC) is a 60-amino acid polypeptide from the venom of Dendroaspis angusticeps. It is structurally homologous to the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor, to dendrotoxins,...
Effect of Copper on the Mitochondrial Carnitine/Acylcarnitine …
2020年2月13日 · For testing the effect of copper on the native CAC, intact rat liver mitochondria were incubated with Cu 2+ in the form of CuCl 2 ( Figure 1 ). Then, aliquots of treated mitochondria were added with GSH to test the ability of the reducing agent to reverse the possible effects of copper under conditions mimicking the physiological environment.