Rats and Their Types, Colors, and Patterns (With Photos)
2023年4月6日 · Though your first choice of rat should be based on health and temperament, maybe you would like to get a certain type or color of rat, or maybe you already chose your rat and are interested to know what his unique coloring is.
AFRMA - Rat Genetics - The WHAT IF chart - Fancy Mouse
2015年12月19日 · Find the color of your male rat at the top of the chart. Find the color of the female along the left hand side. Draw lines down the column from the male’s color, and across the row from the female’s. Where they intersect, is the color you should get in the litter.
AFRMA Fancy Rats - Marked - Fancy Mouse
Distinctive markings are the white underside, with four white feet and a white tail tip. The under marking should be a pure clean white, of moderate size and as even in shape as possible, not extending onto the legs, sides, or chest. The white feet …
Fancy Rat Varieties: Fur Color, Eye Color, Coat Type, and Markings
2024年11月27日 · Fur Color Varieties. Fancy rats can be found in a wide array of colors. Most commonly, their fur is a solid color, or it might have hooded markings. Some fancy rats will retain the wild brown agouti color with three tones on a single hair; others have black-based hair with one color on one hair.
AFRMA Fancy Rat Standards - Fancy Mouse
2023年1月10日 · At present, all rats are shown in seven Varieties: STANDARD – With short, smooth, glossy hair. REX – With curly hair and curly whiskers. TAILLESS – Complete absence of a tail, similiar to the Manx cats. HAIRLESS – Complete absence of hair. SATIN – Thinner, longer coat, with a lustrous sheen. DUMBO – Larger ears set on the side of the head.
Rat Colors – The Amazing Array Of Wonderful Shades - Squeaks …
2018年7月6日 · Rat colors span a larger variety than you might have thought. But what determines the color of your little pet's coat? Learn more about the genetics.
Rat Varieties Unraveled: Dive into Types & Colors of Rats - The Rat …
2023年9月22日 · Explore the intriguing world of rat breeds! From understanding diverse types to fascinating color patterns, this guide reveals all about pet rats.
Common Rat Coat Colors: The Genetics of Rat Varieties
2022年4月30日 · However, most common coat colors in rats are straightforward, so we’ll stop the genetics lesson there! Agouti is the wild coat color in rats – a brown color that comes from hairs that are banded with black, grey, brown and orange.
National Fancy Rat Society - NFRS
Back feet to be white to the ankle, forelegs to be white to half the leg. Tail to be white up to a third of its length. The body colour shall conform to the recognised colour variety. The white area shall be pure and devoid of any colour or staining. A white spot on the forehead is desirable. Suspenders to be allowed providing they are symmetrical.
AFRMA - Fancy Rat Genes, Genetic Code Listing - Fancy Mouse
2024年11月30日 · See the AFRMA Rat Color Standards book and the Standards pages for photos. Fancy Rat Genes, Coats & Misc. for breakdowns. Following are the rat genes sorted by genetic code with colors in each gene section that needs that gene to make that color.