Rat Worx 20/20 Precision Steyr AUG trigger sear warning
2008年3月24日 · Rat Worx sells an aluminum sear that you put into the trigger pack to replace the plastic sear. All the parts except the pins, springs and safety lever in the AUG trigger pack are plastic oddly enough. The part is not cheap, its $100 for a small piece of metal. I've had good experiences with Rat Worx in the past and don't mind the premium.
Manticore Arms AUG Switchback Charging Handle Mini
2008年3月24日 · One of the most annoying parts of a modern Steyr AUG is the factory charging handle. I suspect with the built in A1 style optic it's not as much of a big deal while still remaining small. However, with the new A3's and the associated rail directly above the charging handle it's hard to imagine...
Remote antenna switch | Northeastshooters.com Forums
2015年7月9日 · For years I have had 1/2' Andrews heliax (LDF4-50A) from my tower to the shack which is about a 225 foot run, but the only antenna on that line was my 10/15/20m Yagi. I finally got around to buying a remote antenna switch, so the plan in the future is to bring everything into the shack on the...
Christmas 1943: Toy Guns Under the Tree
2009年5月28日 · This one could be had directly from Daisy for only $1.19 plus $.11 for postage, if you read the fine print. The Chattermatic has a crank built in that turns a gear against a thin piece of wood, making more of a clicking sound than the "rat a tat" Daisy promised. This one was cheaper at $.89 plus that $.11 postage.
What surprises me the most | Northeastshooters.com Forums
2005年4月1日 · What surprises me most is that you have 303 British from 4/98! I thought I was a pack rat. Click to expand...
1977 Colt Python legal to own/get shipped to MA from GunBroker?
2025年2月1日 · Let's be clear. It's 100% legal to own and carry. The question is if the retailer will do the transfer. If he does agreee to do the transfer any risk is 100% ON THE RETAILER.
What to do with range brass. | Northeastshooters.com Forums
2011年12月9日 · I have amassed a lot of range brass over the years and I am wondering what I should do with it. I have at least one 5 gallon bucket full of 9mm and I don't reload 9. I also have another 2 or 3 buckets full of other brass of cartridges I …
CNN - Communist News Network is a Dumpster Fire
2013年11月28日 · Another rat flees the sinking ship: ‘CNN This Morning Weekend’ co-anchor Amara Walker to depart: ‘Seize on this moment of change in our industry’ “I’ve decided to seize on this moment of change in our industry and take a hiatus from TV news,” Amara Walker announced Thursday.
Special Legislative Commission on Emerging Firearms Tech
2011年1月12日 · Microstamping should me a moot subject. A microstamped firing pin can be replaced or filed down. If a criminal is bent on killing somebody which is already against the law - not law will stop him from replacing or filing down a firing pin.
How do I build this Firecracker Artillery Gun? | Page 3 ...
2013年2月16日 · As long as you are on private property and not at a public event you do not need a cannon license. Public event with spectators you need a license. Huggs juice bottle black powder mortar. Pyrodex only. 2 Charges in each, one …