Rate My Professors
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Rate My Professors allows users to search and rate professors from various colleges and universities.
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The Rate My Professors website (www.ratemyprofessors.com) and mobile app provide user generated feedback on professors' teaching methods and their respective courses as well as user generated feedback on the lifestyle and facilities of college and university campuses.
Texas A&M University at College Station | Rate My Professors
Texas A&M University is a really good school because you feel like you are apart of family you just have to be willing to out yourself out there!
Can you explain the rating scale? - Rate My Professors
Can you explain the rating scale? When rating a professor, please refer to these definitions of Rate My Professors' ratings categories. Rate Your Professor: Overall Quality (Good: 3.5-5, Average: 2.5-3.4, Poor: 1-2.4) . A professor's Overall Quality rating should reflect how well a professor teaches the course material, and how helpful they are both inside and outside of the …
The Ohio State University | Rate My Professors
5 天之前 · This is a great school for academics and meeting many new people. Most of the professors enjoy teaching and do a really good job at it while others are hit and miss, but during my time here most of them are really good.
Northern Arizona University | Rate My Professors
6 天之前 · Having just graduated from NAU, I really can't picture myself having gone anywhere else. The atmosphere up here is super friendly and inviting, and the professors generally care a great deal about their students' success and well-being.
University of Texas at Austin | Rate My Professors
This school offers amazing opportunities due to its high standards, but the academic pressure can be intense. The hardworking culture presents both great potential for growth and the risk of burnout, making it crucial to manage the balance between pushing yourself and handling the stress that comes with it.
Northeastern University - Rate My Professors
6 天之前 · I transferred out after my first semester. It is a well-known school that gives you great opportunities and has kind and good professors. However, some of the students attending group together people based on their background, appearance, etc., and it is hard to socialize if you do not do it ahead of time.
South Texas College (all campuses) | Rate My Professors
See what students are saying about South Texas College (all campuses) or leave a rating yourself.